--- title: Testing menu: docs_advanced weight: 210 --- # Testing Every application should be well tested. Actix provides tools to perform unit and integration tests. # Unit Tests For unit testing, actix provides a request builder type and a simple handler runner. [*TestRequest*](../../actix-web/actix_web/test/struct.TestRequest.html) implements a builder-like pattern. You can generate a `HttpRequest` instance with `finish()`, or you can run your handler with `run()` or `run_async()`. ```rust use actix_web::{http, test, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpMessage}; fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE) { if let Ok(s) = hdr.to_str() { return HttpResponse::Ok().into() } } HttpResponse::BadRequest().into() } fn main() { let resp = test::TestRequest::with_header("content-type", "text/plain") .run(index) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(resp.status(), http::StatusCode::OK); let resp = test::TestRequest::default() .run(index) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(resp.status(), http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } ``` # Integration tests There are several methods for testing your application. Actix provides [*TestServer*](../../actix-web/actix_web/test/struct.TestServer.html), which can be used to run the application with specific handlers in a real http server. `TestServer::get()`, `TestServer::post()`, and `TestServer::client()` methods can be used to send requests to the test server. A simple form `TestServer` can be configured to use a handler. `TestServer::new` method accepts a configuration function, and the only argument for this function is a *test application* instance. > Check the [api documentation](../../actix-web/actix_web/test/struct.TestApp.html) > for more information. ```rust use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpMessage}; use actix_web::test::TestServer; use std::str; fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str { "Hello world!" } fn main() { // start new test server let mut srv = TestServer::new(|app| app.handler(index)); let request = srv.get().finish().unwrap(); let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap(); assert!(response.status().is_success()); let bytes = srv.execute(response.body()).unwrap(); let body = str::from_utf8(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(body, "Hello world!"); } ``` The other option is to use an application factory. In this case, you need to pass the factory function the same way as you would for real http server configuration. ```rust use actix_web::{http, test, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}; fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok().into() } /// This function get called by http server. fn create_app() -> App { App::new() .resource("/test", |r| r.h(index)) } fn main() { let mut srv = test::TestServer::with_factory(create_app); let request = srv.client( http::Method::GET, "/test").finish().unwrap(); let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap(); assert!(response.status().is_success()); } ``` If you need more complex application configuration, use the `TestServer::build_with_state()` method. For example, you may need to initialize application state or start `SyncActor`'s for diesel interation. This method accepts a closure that constructs the application state, and it runs when the actix system is configured. Thus, you can initialize any additional actors. ```rust #[test] fn test() { let srv = TestServer::build_with_state(|| { // we can start diesel actors let addr = SyncArbiter::start(3, || { DbExecutor(SqliteConnection::establish("test.db").unwrap()) }); // then we can construct custom state, or it could be `()` MyState{addr: addr} }) // register server handlers and start test server .start(|app| { app.resource( "/{username}/index.html", |r| r.with( |p: Path<PParam>| format!("Welcome {}!", p.username))); }); // now we can run our test code ); ``` # Stream response tests If you need to test stream it would be enough to convert a [*ClientResponse*](../../actix-web/actix_web/client/struct.ClientResponse.html) to future and execute it. For example of testing [*Server Sent Events*](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events). ```rust extern crate bytes; extern crate futures; extern crate actix_web; use bytes::Bytes; use futures::stream::poll_fn; use futures::{Async, Poll, Stream}; use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Error}; use actix_web::http::{ContentEncoding, StatusCode}; use actix_web::test::TestServer; fn sse(_req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { let mut counter = 5usize; // yields `data: N` where N in [5; 1] let server_events = poll_fn(move || -> Poll<Option<Bytes>, Error> { if counter == 0 { return Ok(Async::NotReady); } let payload = format!("data: {}\n\n", counter); counter -= 1; Ok(Async::Ready(Some(Bytes::from(payload)))) }); HttpResponse::build(StatusCode::OK) .content_encoding(ContentEncoding::Identity) .content_type("text/event-stream") .streaming(server_events) } fn main() { // start new test server let mut srv = TestServer::new(|app| app.handler(sse)); // request stream let request = srv.get().finish().unwrap(); let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap(); assert!(response.status().is_success()); // convert ClientResponse to future, start read body and wait first chunk let (bytes, response) = srv.execute(response.into_future()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes.unwrap(), Bytes::from("data: 5\n\n")); // next chunk let (bytes, _) = srv.execute(response.into_future()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes.unwrap(), Bytes::from("data: 4\n\n")); } ``` # WebSocket server tests It is possible to register a *handler* with `TestApp::handler()`, which initiates a web socket connection. *TestServer* provides the method `ws()`, which connects to the websocket server and returns ws reader and writer objects. *TestServer* also provides an `execute()` method, which runs future objects to completion and returns result of the future computation. The following example demonstrates how to test a websocket handler: ```rust use actix_web::*; use futures::Stream; struct Ws; // <- WebSocket actor impl Actor for Ws { type Context = ws::WebsocketContext<Self>; } impl StreamHandler<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError> for Ws { fn handle(&mut self, msg: ws::Message, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { match msg { ws::Message::Text(text) => ctx.text(text), _ => (), } } } fn main() { let mut srv = test::TestServer::new( |app| app.handler(|req| ws::start(req, Ws))); let (reader, mut writer) = srv.ws().unwrap(); writer.text("text"); let (item, reader) = srv.execute(reader.into_future()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(item, Some(ws::Message::Text("text".to_owned()))); } ```