2022-07-11 20:19:29 +01:00
//! Multi-room WebSocket chat server.
//! Open `http://localhost:8080/` in browser to test.
use actix_files::NamedFile;
use actix_web::{
middleware, rt, web, App, Error, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder,
use tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender;
mod command;
mod handler;
mod server;
pub use self::command::Command;
pub use self::server::ChatServer;
/// Connection ID.
pub type ConnId = usize;
/// Room ID.
pub type RoomId = String;
/// Message sent to a room/client.
pub type Msg = String;
async fn index() -> impl Responder {
/// Handshake and start WebSocket handler with heartbeats.
async fn chat_ws(
req: HttpRequest,
stream: web::Payload,
server_tx: web::Data<UnboundedSender<Command>>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> {
let (res, session, msg_stream) = actix_ws::handle(&req, stream)?;
// spawn websocket handler (and don't await it) so that the response is returned immediately
rt::spawn(handler::chat_ws((**server_tx).clone(), session, msg_stream));
2022-07-12 01:08:15 +01:00
// note that the `actix` based WebSocket handling would NOT work under `tokio::main`
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
2022-07-11 20:19:29 +01:00
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
log::info!("starting HTTP server at http://localhost:8080");
let (chat_server, server_tx) = ChatServer::new();
HttpServer::new(move || {
// WebSocket UI HTML file
// websocket routes
// enable logger
.bind(("", 8080))?