mirror of https://github.com/actix/examples synced 2025-02-23 17:53:02 +01:00

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use actix_web::{
body::{self, MessageBody},
dev::{self, ServiceResponse},
web::{self, Data, Json},
App, Error, HttpServer, Responder,
use actix_web_lab::middleware::{from_fn, Next};
use aes_gcm_siv::{aead::Aead as _, Aes256GcmSiv, KeyInit as _, Nonce};
2023-03-14 03:11:49 +00:00
use base64::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Req {
id: u64,
data: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
nonce: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Res {
data: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
nonce: Option<String>,
async fn make_encrypted(
cipher: Data<Aes256GcmSiv>,
Json(Req { id, data, .. }): Json<Req>,
) -> impl Responder {
log::info!("creating encrypted sample request for ID = {id:?}");
// this nonce should actually be unique per message in a production environment
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(b"unique nonce");
2023-03-14 03:11:49 +00:00
let nonce_b64 = Some(BASE64_STANDARD.encode(nonce));
let data_enc = cipher.encrypt(nonce, data.as_bytes()).unwrap();
2023-03-14 03:11:49 +00:00
let data_enc = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(data_enc);
web::Json(Req {
nonce: nonce_b64,
data: data_enc,
async fn reverse_data(Json(Req { id, data, .. }): Json<Req>) -> impl Responder {
log::info!("request {id:?} with data: {data}");
let data_rev = data.chars().rev().collect();
log::info!("response {id:?} with new data: {data_rev}");
Json(Res {
data: data_rev,
nonce: None,
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
log::info!("starting HTTP server at http://localhost:8080");
// initialize cipher outside HttpServer closure
let cipher = Aes256GcmSiv::new_from_slice(&[0; 32]).unwrap();
HttpServer::new(move || {
.bind(("", 8080))?
async fn encrypt_payloads(
mut req: dev::ServiceRequest,
next: Next<impl MessageBody>,
) -> Result<dev::ServiceResponse<impl MessageBody>, Error> {
// get cipher from app data
let cipher = req.extract::<web::Data<Aes256GcmSiv>>().await.unwrap();
// extract JSON with encrypted+encoded data field
let Json(Req { id, nonce, data }) = req.extract::<Json<Req>>().await?;
log::info!("decrypting request {id:?}");
// decode nonce from payload
2023-03-14 03:11:49 +00:00
let nonce = BASE64_STANDARD.decode(nonce.unwrap()).unwrap();
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(&nonce);
// decode and decrypt data field
2023-03-14 03:11:49 +00:00
let data_enc = BASE64_STANDARD.decode(&data).unwrap();
let data = cipher.decrypt(nonce, data_enc.as_slice()).unwrap();
// construct request body format with plaintext data
let req_body = Req {
nonce: None,
data: String::from_utf8(data).unwrap(),
// encode request body as JSON
let req_body = serde_json::to_vec(&req_body).unwrap();
// re-insert request body
// call next service
let res = next.call(req).await?;
log::info!("encrypting response {id:?}");
// deconstruct response into parts
let (req, res) = res.into_parts();
let (res, body) = res.into_parts();
// Read all bytes out of response stream. Only use `to_bytes` if you can guarantee all handlers
// wrapped by this middleware return complete responses or bounded streams.
let body = body::to_bytes(body).await.ok().unwrap();
// parse JSON from response body
let Res { data, .. } = serde_json::from_slice(&body).unwrap();
// generate and encode nonce for later
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(b"unique nonce");
2023-03-14 03:11:49 +00:00
let nonce_b64 = Some(BASE64_STANDARD.encode(nonce));
// encrypt and encode data field
let data_enc = cipher.encrypt(nonce, data.as_bytes()).unwrap();
2023-03-14 03:11:49 +00:00
let data_enc = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(data_enc);
// re-pack response into JSON format
let res_body = Res {
data: data_enc,
nonce: nonce_b64,
let res_body_enc = serde_json::to_string(&res_body).unwrap();
// set response body as new JSON payload and re-combine response object
let res = res.set_body(res_body_enc);
let res = ServiceResponse::new(req, res);
fn bytes_to_payload(buf: web::Bytes) -> dev::Payload {
let (_, mut pl) = actix_http::h1::Payload::create(true);