- [Four in a Row - Server](https://github.com/ffactory-ofcl/fourinarow-server): An online version of the popular game four in a row, written in Rust on the server side and Flutter + Dart on the client.
- [Zero2prod](https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/zero-to-production/): Source code of zero to production series [zero2prod.com](https://www.zero2prod.com). Paid book but some of the chapters is available online for free. The book compares and explains the chosen technologies, like Actix Web and SQLx.
- [Triox](https://github.com/Trioxidation/Triox): A free file hosting server that focuses on speed, reliability and security.
- [binserve](https://github.com/mufeedvh/binserve): A fast, secure, and easy to set up static web server written on top of Actix Web with routing, templating, and various other features.
- [Roseline](https://github.com/DoumanAsh/roseline.rs): A personal web site and discord & IRC bot to access simple SQLite database. Demonstrates usage of various Actix and Actix Web concepts.
- [Dalted](https://github.com/carrascomj/dalted): Simple webapp that showcases the integration of [image-rs](https://github.com/image-rs/image) with Actix Web for color blindness simulations.
- [WebThings Registration Server](https://github.com/WebThingsIO/registration_server): Exposes an HTTP API that lets you register a WebThings Gateway for tunneling support
- [Actix-Web Shuttle Template](https://github.com/sentinel1909/shuttle-templat-actix): A somewhat opinionated template for getting started with an Actix Web API and hosting it on Shuttle.
- [Actix and SQLx User CRUD for MySQL](https://github.com/jamesjmeyer210/actix_sqlx_mysql_user_crud): A User CRUD showcasing MySQL database interaction with full integration test coverage, designed to fit comfortably in a system of micro-services.
- [Rust, Docker & GraphQL](https://github.com/jayy-lmao/rust-graphql-docker): An example of using Dataloaders, context, and a minimal docker container.
- [Actix Server Authentication with JWT and MongoDB](https://github.com/emreyalvac/actix-web-jwt/): An implementation of JWT in Actix.
- [Production-Grade Logging in Rust Applications](https://medium.com/better-programming/production-grade-logging-in-rust-applications-2c7fffd108a6): An article showcasing the use of [tracing](https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracing) in an Actix application
- [Fullstack-Rust](https://github.com/vascokk/fullstack-rust): A Full Stack Rust application (Connect5 game) with Actix Web, Yew, Bulma CSS and Diesel.
- [rayspace.dev](https://github.com/ryspc/rayspace.dev): Minimalist dev portfolio and blog implemented as a Rust-powered SPA, featuring GitHub OAuth, session management, static file serving, API endpoints, and SQLx integration.
- [Blog with markdown rendering](https://github.com/gemini-15/blog-engine): Blog example built with Actix Web, diesel (with Postgres) and r2d2 rendering articles in markdown with metadata and a front-end with React.
- [Rust, Angular, PostgreSQL and JWT Security](https://github.com/stav121/actix-angular-project-template): Boilerplate project that implements an Angular + Actix Web application with login and registration pages, that is pre-dockerized.
- [Actix-web with chacha20poly1305 encryption](https://github.com/Paxton21/chacha20poly1305-actix-web): A basic and swiftly thrown together example of having encrypted communications using chacha20poly1305
- [book] [Zero2prod by Luca Palmieri](https://algoluca.gumroad.com/l/zero2prod): Takes you on a journey to discover the world of backend development in Rust.