use actix_web::web::Data; use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer}; use redis_tang::{Builder, Pool, RedisManager}; // change according to your redis setting. const REDIS_URL: &str = "redis://"; #[actix_rt::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let num_cpus = num_cpus::get(); // a shared redis pool for work load comparision. let pool = pool_builder(num_cpus).await.expect("fail to build pool"); let pool = Wrapper(pool); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() .data(pool.clone()) // a dummy data_factory implementation .data_factory(|| { /* App::data_factory would accept a future as return type and poll the future when App is initialized. The Output of the future must be Result and T will be the transformed to App::Data that can be extracted from handler/request. (The E will only be used to trigger a log::error.) This data is bound to worker thread and you get an instance of it for every worker of the HttpServer.(hence the name data_factory) *. It is NOT shared between workers(unless the underlying data is a smart pointer like Arc). */ async { // 123usize would be transformed into Data Ok::(123) } }) // a data_factory redis pool for work load comparision. .data_factory(|| pool_builder(1)) .service(web::resource("/pool").route(web::get().to(pool_shared_prebuilt))) .service(web::resource("/pool2").route(web::get().to(pool_local))) }) .bind("")? .workers(num_cpus) .run() .await } // this pool is shared between workers. // we have all redis connections spawned tasks on main thread therefore it puts too much pressure on one thread. // *. This is the case for redis::aio::MultiplexedConnection and it may not apply to other async redis connection type. async fn pool_shared_prebuilt(pool: Data) -> &'static str { let mut client = pool.0.get().await.unwrap().clone(); redis::cmd("PING") .query_async::<_, ()>(&mut client) .await .unwrap(); "Done" } // this pool is built with App::data_factory and we have 2 connections fixed for every worker. // It's evenly distributed and have no cross workers synchronization. async fn pool_local(data: Data, pool: Data>) -> &'static str { assert_eq!(data.get_ref(), &123); let mut client = pool.get().await.unwrap().clone(); redis::cmd("PING") .query_async::<_, ()>(&mut client) .await .unwrap(); "Done" } // some boiler plate for create redis pool #[derive(Clone)] struct Wrapper(Pool); async fn pool_builder(num_cpus: usize) -> Result, ()> { let mgr = RedisManager::new(REDIS_URL); Builder::new() .always_check(false) .idle_timeout(None) .max_lifetime(None) .min_idle(num_cpus * 2) .max_size(num_cpus * 2) .build(mgr) .await .map_err(|_| ()) }