use actix::prelude::*; use std::str::FromStr; use std::time::Duration; use std::{io, net, thread}; use tokio::io::{split, WriteHalf}; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tokio_util::codec::FramedRead; mod codec; #[actix_rt::main] async fn main() { // Connect to server let addr = net::SocketAddr::from_str("").unwrap(); println!("Running chat client"); let stream = TcpStream::connect(&addr).await.unwrap(); let addr = ChatClient::create(|ctx| { let (r, w) = split(stream); ChatClient::add_stream(FramedRead::new(r, codec::ClientChatCodec), ctx); ChatClient { framed: actix::io::FramedWrite::new(w, codec::ClientChatCodec, ctx), } }); // start console loop thread::spawn(move || loop { let mut cmd = String::new(); if io::stdin().read_line(&mut cmd).is_err() { println!("error"); return; } addr.do_send(ClientCommand(cmd)); }); } struct ChatClient { framed: actix::io::FramedWrite, codec::ClientChatCodec>, } #[derive(Message)] #[rtype(result = "()")] struct ClientCommand(String); impl Actor for ChatClient { type Context = Context; fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) { // start heartbeats otherwise server will disconnect after 10 seconds self.hb(ctx) } fn stopped(&mut self, _: &mut Context) { println!("Disconnected"); // Stop application on disconnect System::current().stop(); } } impl ChatClient { fn hb(&self, ctx: &mut Context) { ctx.run_later(Duration::new(1, 0), |act, ctx| { act.framed.write(codec::ChatRequest::Ping); act.hb(ctx); // client should also check for a timeout here, similar to the // server code }); } } impl actix::io::WriteHandler for ChatClient {} /// Handle stdin commands impl Handler for ChatClient { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, msg: ClientCommand, _: &mut Context) { let m = msg.0.trim(); if m.is_empty() { return; } // we check for /sss type of messages if m.starts_with('/') { let v: Vec<&str> = m.splitn(2, ' ').collect(); match v[0] { "/list" => { self.framed.write(codec::ChatRequest::List); } "/join" => { if v.len() == 2 { self.framed.write(codec::ChatRequest::Join(v[1].to_owned())); } else { println!("!!! room name is required"); } } _ => println!("!!! unknown command"), } } else { self.framed.write(codec::ChatRequest::Message(m.to_owned())); } } } /// Server communication impl StreamHandler> for ChatClient { fn handle( &mut self, msg: Result, ctx: &mut Context, ) { match msg { Ok(codec::ChatResponse::Message(ref msg)) => { println!("message: {}", msg); } Ok(codec::ChatResponse::Joined(ref msg)) => { println!("!!! joined: {}", msg); } Ok(codec::ChatResponse::Rooms(rooms)) => { println!("\n!!! Available rooms:"); for room in rooms { println!("{}", room); } println!(); } _ => ctx.stop(), } } }