// Allow this lint since it's fine to use type directly in the short example. #![allow(clippy::type_complexity)] use std::{ error, future::Future, pin::Pin, sync::{Arc, RwLock}, time::Duration, }; use actix_web::{middleware, web, App, Error, HttpResponse, HttpServer}; use bytes::Bytes; use futures_util::FutureExt as _; use serde_json::Value; #[allow(dead_code)] mod convention; /// The main handler for JSONRPC server. async fn rpc_handler(body: Bytes, app_state: web::Data) -> Result { let reqjson: convention::Request = match serde_json::from_slice(body.as_ref()) { Ok(ok) => ok, Err(_) => { let r = convention::Response { jsonrpc: String::from(convention::JSONRPC_VERSION), result: Value::Null, error: Some(convention::ErrorData::std(-32700)), id: Value::Null, }; return Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("application/json") .body(r.dump())); } }; let mut result = convention::Response { id: reqjson.id.clone(), ..convention::Response::default() }; match rpc_select(&app_state, reqjson.method.as_str(), reqjson.params).await { Ok(ok) => result.result = ok, Err(e) => result.error = Some(e), } Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("application/json") .body(result.dump())) } async fn rpc_select( app_state: &AppState, method: &str, params: Vec, ) -> Result { match method { "ping" => { let r = app_state.network.read().unwrap().ping(); Ok(Value::from(r)) } "wait" => { if params.len() != 1 || !params[0].is_u64() { return Err(convention::ErrorData::std(-32602)); } let fut = app_state .network .read() .unwrap() .wait(params[0].as_u64().unwrap()); match fut.await { Ok(ok) => Ok(Value::from(ok)), Err(e) => Err(convention::ErrorData::new(500, &format!("{e:?}")[..])), } } "get" => { let r = app_state.network.read().unwrap().get(); Ok(Value::from(r)) } "inc" => { app_state.network.write().unwrap().inc(); Ok(Value::Null) } _ => Err(convention::ErrorData::std(-32601)), } } pub trait ImplNetwork { fn ping(&self) -> String; fn wait(&self, d: u64) -> Pin>>>>; fn get(&self) -> u32; fn inc(&mut self); } pub struct ObjNetwork { c: u32, } impl ObjNetwork { fn new() -> Self { Self { c: 0 } } } impl ImplNetwork for ObjNetwork { fn ping(&self) -> String { String::from("pong") } fn wait(&self, d: u64) -> Pin>>>> { async move { actix_web::rt::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(d)).await; Ok(String::from("pong")) } .boxed_local() } fn get(&self) -> u32 { self.c } fn inc(&mut self) { self.c += 1; } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct AppState { network: Arc>, } impl AppState { pub fn new(network: Arc>) -> Self { Self { network } } } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"); env_logger::init(); let network = Arc::new(RwLock::new(ObjNetwork::new())); HttpServer::new(move || { let app_state = AppState::new(network.clone()); App::new() .app_data(web::Data::new(app_state)) .wrap(middleware::Logger::default()) .service(web::resource("/").route(web::post().to(rpc_handler))) }) .bind(("", 8080)) .unwrap() .run() .await }