# Casbin Basic integration of [Casbin-RS](https://github.com/casbin/casbin-rs) with [RBAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-based_access_control) for Actix Web. ## Usage ```sh cd auth/casbin ``` Modify the files in the `rbac` directory and the code in the `src` directory as required. ## Running Server ```sh cd auth/casbin cargo run (or ``cargo watch -x run``) # Started http server: ``` In this example, you can get the successful result at `http://localhost:8080/success` (accessible) and the failed result at `http://localhost:8080/fail` (inaccessible, `ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE`). ## Others - For more related examples of [Casbin-RS](https://github.com/casbin/casbin-rs): <https://github.com/casbin-rs/examples>