use actix_web::{ test::{call_and_read_body, call_and_read_body_json, init_service, TestRequest}, web::Bytes, }; use super::*; #[actix_web::test] #[ignore = "requires MongoDB instance running"] async fn test() { let uri = std::env::var("MONGODB_URI").unwrap_or_else(|_| "mongodb://localhost:27017".into()); let client = Client::with_uri_str(uri).await.expect("failed to connect"); // Clear any data currently in the users collection. client .database(DB_NAME) .collection::(COLL_NAME) .drop() .await .expect("drop collection should succeed"); let app = init_service( App::new() .app_data(web::Data::new(client)) .service(add_user) .service(get_user), ) .await; let user = User { first_name: "Jane".into(), last_name: "Doe".into(), username: "janedoe".into(), email: "".into(), }; let req = TestRequest::post() .uri("/add_user") .set_form(&user) .to_request(); let response = call_and_read_body(&app, req).await; assert_eq!(response, Bytes::from_static(b"user added")); let req = TestRequest::get() .uri(&format!("/get_user/{}", &user.username)) .to_request(); let response: User = call_and_read_body_json(&app, req).await; assert_eq!(response, user); }