use std::io::Write; use actix_multipart::Multipart; use actix_web::{middleware, web, App, Error, HttpResponse, HttpServer}; use futures_util::TryStreamExt as _; use uuid::Uuid; async fn save_file(mut payload: Multipart) -> Result { // iterate over multipart stream while let Some(mut field) = payload.try_next().await? { // A multipart/form-data stream has to contain `content_disposition` let content_disposition = field.content_disposition(); let filename = content_disposition .get_filename() .map_or_else(|| Uuid::new_v4().to_string(), sanitize_filename::sanitize); let filepath = format!("./tmp/{}", filename); // File::create is blocking operation, use threadpool let mut f = web::block(|| std::fs::File::create(filepath)).await??; // Field in turn is stream of *Bytes* object while let Some(chunk) = field.try_next().await? { // filesystem operations are blocking, we have to use threadpool f = web::block(move || f.write_all(&chunk).map(|_| f)).await??; } } Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().into()) } async fn index() -> HttpResponse { let html = r#" Upload Test
"#; HttpResponse::Ok().body(html) } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"); std::fs::create_dir_all("./tmp")?; HttpServer::new(|| { App::new().wrap(middleware::Logger::default()).service( web::resource("/") .route(web::get().to(index)) .route(web::post().to(save_file)), ) }) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await }