//! Simple echo websocket server. //! //! Open `http://localhost:8080/` in browser to test. use actix_files::NamedFile; use actix_web::{ middleware, rt, web, App, Error, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder, }; use tokio::sync::broadcast; mod handler; async fn index() -> impl Responder { NamedFile::open_async("./static/index.html").await.unwrap() } /// Handshake and start WebSocket handler with heartbeats. async fn echo_heartbeat_ws(req: HttpRequest, stream: web::Payload) -> Result { let (res, session, msg_stream) = actix_ws::handle(&req, stream)?; // spawn websocket handler (and don't await it) so that the response is returned immediately rt::spawn(handler::echo_heartbeat_ws(session, msg_stream)); Ok(res) } /// Handshake and start basic WebSocket handler. /// /// This example is just for demonstration of simplicity. In reality, you likely want to include /// some handling of heartbeats for connection health tracking to free up server resources when /// connections die or network issues arise. async fn echo_ws(req: HttpRequest, stream: web::Payload) -> Result { let (res, session, msg_stream) = actix_ws::handle(&req, stream)?; // spawn websocket handler (and don't await it) so that the response is returned immediately rt::spawn(handler::echo_ws(session, msg_stream)); Ok(res) } /// Send message to clients connected to broadcast WebSocket. async fn send_to_broadcast_ws( body: web::Bytes, tx: web::Data>, ) -> Result { tx.send(body) .map_err(actix_web::error::ErrorInternalServerError)?; Ok(HttpResponse::NoContent()) } /// Handshake and start broadcast WebSocket handler with heartbeats. async fn broadcast_ws( req: HttpRequest, stream: web::Payload, tx: web::Data>, ) -> Result { let (res, session, msg_stream) = actix_ws::handle(&req, stream)?; // spawn websocket handler (and don't await it) so that the response is returned immediately rt::spawn(handler::broadcast_ws(session, msg_stream, tx.subscribe())); Ok(res) } // note that the `actix` based WebSocket handling would NOT work under `tokio::main` #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { env_logger::init_from_env(env_logger::Env::new().default_filter_or("info")); log::info!("starting HTTP server at http://localhost:8080"); let (tx, _) = broadcast::channel::(128); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() // WebSocket UI HTML file .service(web::resource("/").to(index)) // websocket routes .service(web::resource("/ws").route(web::get().to(echo_heartbeat_ws))) .service(web::resource("/ws-basic").route(web::get().to(echo_ws))) .app_data(web::Data::new(tx.clone())) .service(web::resource("/ws-broadcast").route(web::get().to(broadcast_ws))) .service(web::resource("/send").route(web::post().to(send_to_broadcast_ws))) // enable logger .wrap(middleware::Logger::default()) }) .workers(2) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await }