use std::collections::HashMap; use actix_web::{ get, middleware::Logger, web, App, Error, HttpResponse, HttpServer, ResponseError, }; use derive_more::Display; use yarte::{auto, ywrite_min}; #[derive(Debug, Display)] struct MyErr(pub &'static str); impl ResponseError for MyErr {} #[allow(unused_must_use)] // ywrite_min causes warning: unused borrow that must be used #[get("/")] async fn index(query: web::Query>) -> Result { // `ywrite_min` is work in progress check your templates before put in production // or use `ywrite_html` Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8") .body(auto!(ywrite_min!(String, "{{> index }}")))) } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info"); env_logger::init(); // start http server HttpServer::new(move || App::new().wrap(Logger::default()).service(index)) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use actix_web::{http, test as atest, web::Bytes}; use super::*; #[actix_web::test] async fn test() { let app = atest::init_service(App::new().service(index)).await; let req = atest::TestRequest::with_uri("/").to_request(); let resp = atest::call_service(&app, req).await; assert!(resp.status().is_success()); assert_eq!( resp.headers().get(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap(), "text/html; charset=utf-8" ); let bytes = atest::read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!( bytes, Bytes::from_static( "Actix \ Web


What is your name?

Name: \
Last name:

" .as_ref() ) ); let req = atest::TestRequest::with_uri("/?name=foo&lastname=bar").to_request(); let resp = atest::call_service(&app, req).await; assert!(resp.status().is_success()); assert_eq!( resp.headers().get(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap(), "text/html; charset=utf-8" ); let bytes = atest::read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!( bytes, Bytes::from_static( "Actix \ Web

Hi, foo bar!


" .as_ref() ) ); let req = atest::TestRequest::with_uri("/?name=foo").to_request(); let resp = atest::call_service(&app, req).await; assert!(resp.status().is_server_error()); let bytes = atest::read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!(bytes, Bytes::from_static("Bad query".as_ref())); let req = atest::TestRequest::with_uri("/?lastname=bar").to_request(); let resp = atest::call_service(&app, req).await; assert!(resp.status().is_success()); assert_eq!( resp.headers().get(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap(), "text/html; charset=utf-8" ); let bytes = atest::read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!( bytes, Bytes::from_static( "Actix \ Web


What is your name?

Name: \
Last name:

" .as_ref() ) ); } }