# Websocket chat example This is extension of the [actix chat example](https://github.com/actix/examples/tree/HEAD/websockets/chat) Added features: - Browser WebSocket client - Chat server runs in separate thread - TCP listener runs in separate thread ## Server Chat server listens for incoming tcp connections. Server can access several types of message: - `/list` - list all available rooms - `/join name` - join room, if room does not exist, create new one - `/name name` - set session name - `some message` - just string, send message to all peers in same room - client has to send heartbeat `Ping` messages, if server does not receive a heartbeat message for 10 seconds connection gets dropped To start server use command: `cargo run --bin websocket-tcp-server` ## Client Client connects to server. Reads input from stdin and sends to server. To run client use command: `cargo run --bin websocket-tcp-client` ## WebSocket Browser Client Open url: <http://localhost:8080>