use actix_files::NamedFile; use actix_session::Session; use actix_web::middleware::errhandlers::ErrorHandlerResponse; use actix_web::{dev, error, http, web, Error, HttpResponse, Result}; use serde::Deserialize; use tera::{Context, Tera}; use crate::db; use crate::session::{self, FlashMessage}; pub async fn index( pool: web::Data, tmpl: web::Data, session: Session, ) -> Result { let tasks = web::block(move || db::get_all_tasks(&pool)).await?; let mut context = Context::new(); context.insert("tasks", &tasks); //Session is set during operations on other endpoints //that can redirect to index if let Some(flash) = session::get_flash(&session)? { context.insert("msg", &(flash.kind, flash.message)); session::clear_flash(&session); } let rendered = tmpl .render("index.html.tera", &context) .map_err(error::ErrorInternalServerError)?; Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().body(rendered)) } #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct CreateForm { description: String, } pub async fn create( params: web::Form, pool: web::Data, session: Session, ) -> Result { if params.description.is_empty() { session::set_flash( &session, FlashMessage::error("Description cannot be empty"), )?; Ok(redirect_to("/")) } else { web::block(move || db::create_task(params.into_inner().description, &pool)) .await?; session::set_flash(&session, FlashMessage::success("Task successfully added"))?; Ok(redirect_to("/")) } } #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct UpdateParams { id: i32, } #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct UpdateForm { _method: String, } pub async fn update( db: web::Data, params: web::Path, form: web::Form, session: Session, ) -> Result { match form._method.as_ref() { "put" => toggle(db, params).await, "delete" => delete(db, params, session).await, unsupported_method => { let msg = format!("Unsupported HTTP method: {}", unsupported_method); Err(error::ErrorBadRequest(msg)) } } } async fn toggle( pool: web::Data, params: web::Path, ) -> Result { web::block(move || db::toggle_task(, &pool)).await?; Ok(redirect_to("/")) } async fn delete( pool: web::Data, params: web::Path, session: Session, ) -> Result { web::block(move || db::delete_task(, &pool)).await?; session::set_flash(&session, FlashMessage::success("Task was deleted."))?; Ok(redirect_to("/")) } fn redirect_to(location: &str) -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Found() .header(http::header::LOCATION, location) .finish() } pub fn bad_request(res: dev::ServiceResponse) -> Result> { let new_resp = NamedFile::open("static/errors/400.html")? .set_status_code(res.status()) .into_response(res.request())?; Ok(ErrorHandlerResponse::Response( res.into_response(new_resp.into_body()), )) } pub fn not_found(res: dev::ServiceResponse) -> Result> { let new_resp = NamedFile::open("static/errors/404.html")? .set_status_code(res.status()) .into_response(res.request())?; Ok(ErrorHandlerResponse::Response( res.into_response(new_resp.into_body()), )) } pub fn internal_server_error( res: dev::ServiceResponse, ) -> Result> { let new_resp = NamedFile::open("static/errors/500.html")? .set_status_code(res.status()) .into_response(res.request())?; Ok(ErrorHandlerResponse::Response( res.into_response(new_resp.into_body()), )) }