use actix::{Handler, Message}; use actix_web::{dev::Payload, Error, HttpRequest}; use actix_web::{middleware::identity::Identity, FromRequest}; use bcrypt::verify; use diesel::prelude::*; use crate::errors::ServiceError; use crate::models::{DbExecutor, SlimUser, User}; use crate::utils::decode_token; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct AuthData { pub email: String, pub password: String, } impl Message for AuthData { type Result = Result; } impl Handler for DbExecutor { type Result = Result; fn handle(&mut self, msg: AuthData, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { use crate::schema::users::dsl::{email, users}; let conn: &PgConnection = &self.0.get().unwrap(); let mut items = users.filter(email.eq(&; if let Some(user) = items.pop() { match verify(&msg.password, &user.password) { Ok(matching) => { if matching { return Ok(user.into()); } } Err(_) => (), } } Err(ServiceError::BadRequest( "Username and Password don't match".into(), )) } } // we need the same data // simple aliasing makes the intentions clear and its more readable pub type LoggedUser = SlimUser; impl FromRequest for LoggedUser { type Config = (); type Error = Error; type Future = Result; fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, pl: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future { if let Some(identity) = Identity::from_request(req, pl)?.identity() { let user: SlimUser = decode_token(&identity)?; return Ok(user as LoggedUser); } Err(ServiceError::Unauthorized.into()) } }