# NB: This is not a production-grade Dockerfile.

## build stage ##
FROM rust:1-slim-bullseye AS builder

# Download crates-io index and fetch dependency code.
# This step avoids needing to spend time on every build downloading the index
# which can take a long time within the docker context. Docker will cache it.
RUN USER=root cargo init
COPY Cargo.toml Cargo.toml
RUN cargo fetch

# copy app files
COPY src src

# compile app
RUN cargo build --release

## run stage ##
FROM debian:bullseye-slim

# copy server binary from build stage
COPY --from=builder /code/target/release/docker_sample docker_sample

# set user to non-root unless root is required for your app
USER 1001

# indicate what port the server is running on

# run server
CMD [ "/app/docker_sample" ]