use actix_web::web; use mysql::{params, prelude::*}; use crate::{ BankDetails, BankResponseData, BranchDetails, BranchResponseData, CustomerDetails, CustomerResponseData, ResponseStatus, TellerDetails, TellerResponseData, }; const ERROR_MESSAGE: &str = "Error occurred during processing, please try again."; pub fn create_bank( data: &web::Data, bank_name: String, _country: String, ) -> ResponseStatus { let my_status_code: u8 = 1; let my_status_description = ERROR_MESSAGE.to_owned(); let mut response_status = ResponseStatus { status_code: my_status_code, status_description: my_status_description, }; if bank_name.replace(' ', "").trim().is_empty() { response_status.status_description = String::from("Bank name is empty!"); return response_status; } if _country.replace(' ', "").trim().is_empty() { response_status.status_description = String::from("Country is empty!"); return response_status; } match data.get_conn().and_then(|mut conn| { insert_bank_data(&mut conn, bank_name.to_lowercase(), _country.to_lowercase()) }) { Ok(x) => { if x > 0 { response_status.status_code = 0; response_status.status_description = String::from("Successful"); } } Err(err) => println!("Failed to open DB connection. create_bank {err:?}"), } response_status } pub fn create_branch( data: &web::Data, branch_name: String, _location: String, ) -> ResponseStatus { let my_status_code: u8 = 1; let my_status_description = ERROR_MESSAGE.to_owned(); let mut response_status = ResponseStatus { status_code: my_status_code, status_description: my_status_description, }; if branch_name.replace(' ', "").trim().is_empty() { response_status.status_description = String::from("Branch name is empty!"); return response_status; } if _location.replace(' ', "").trim().is_empty() { response_status.status_description = String::from("Location is empty!"); return response_status; } match data.get_conn().and_then(|mut conn| { insert_branch_data( &mut conn, branch_name.to_lowercase(), _location.to_lowercase(), ) }) { Ok(x) => { if x > 0 { response_status.status_code = 0; response_status.status_description = String::from("Successful"); } } Err(err) => println!("Failed to open DB connection. create_branch {err:?}"), } response_status } pub fn create_teller( data: &web::Data, teller_name: String, branch_name: String, ) -> ResponseStatus { let my_status_code: u8 = 1; let my_status_description = ERROR_MESSAGE.to_owned(); let mut response_status = ResponseStatus { status_code: my_status_code, status_description: my_status_description, }; if teller_name.replace(' ', "").trim().is_empty() { response_status.status_description = String::from("Teller name is empty!"); return response_status; } if branch_name.replace(' ', "").trim().is_empty() { response_status.status_description = String::from("Branch name is empty!"); return response_status; } match data.get_conn().and_then(|mut conn| { insert_teller_data( &mut conn, teller_name.to_lowercase(), branch_name.to_lowercase(), ) }) { Ok(x) => { if x > 0 { response_status.status_code = 0; response_status.status_description = String::from("Successful"); } } Err(err) => println!("Failed to open DB connection. create_teller {err:?}"), } response_status } pub fn create_customer( data: &web::Data, customer_name: String, branch_name: String, ) -> ResponseStatus { let my_status_code: u8 = 1; let my_status_description = ERROR_MESSAGE.to_owned(); let mut response_status = ResponseStatus { status_code: my_status_code, status_description: my_status_description, }; if customer_name.replace(' ', "").trim().is_empty() { response_status.status_description = String::from("Customer name is empty!"); return response_status; } if branch_name.replace(' ', "").trim().is_empty() { response_status.status_description = String::from("Branch name is empty!"); return response_status; } match data.get_conn().and_then(|mut conn| { insert_customer_data( &mut conn, customer_name.to_lowercase(), branch_name.to_lowercase(), ) }) { Ok(x) => { if x > 0 { response_status.status_code = 0; response_status.status_description = String::from("Successful"); } } Err(err) => println!("Failed to open DB connection. create_customer {err:?}"), } response_status } pub fn get_bank_data(data: &web::Data) -> BankResponseData { let mut vec_bank_data = Vec::new(); let mut my_status_code: u8 = 1; let mut my_status_description: String = String::from("Record not found"); match data .get_conn() .and_then(|mut conn| select_bank_details(&mut conn)) { Ok(s) => { vec_bank_data = s; } Err(err) => println!("Failed to open DB connection. {err:?}"), } if !vec_bank_data.is_empty() { my_status_code = 0; my_status_description = String::from("Successful"); } //Assign values to struct variable BankResponseData { status_code: my_status_code, status_description: my_status_description, bank_data: vec_bank_data, } } pub fn get_branch_data(data: &web::Data) -> BranchResponseData { let mut vec_branch_data = Vec::new(); let mut my_status_code: u8 = 1; let mut my_status_description: String = String::from("Record not found"); match data .get_conn() .and_then(|mut conn| select_branch_details(&mut conn)) { Ok(s) => { vec_branch_data = s; } Err(err) => println!("Failed to open DB connection. {err:?}"), } if !vec_branch_data.is_empty() { my_status_code = 0; my_status_description = String::from("Successful"); } //Assign values to struct variable BranchResponseData { status_code: my_status_code, status_description: my_status_description, branch_data: vec_branch_data, } } pub fn get_teller_data(data: &web::Data) -> TellerResponseData { let mut vec_teller_data = Vec::new(); let mut my_status_code: u8 = 1; let mut my_status_description: String = String::from("Record not found"); match data .get_conn() .and_then(|mut conn| select_teller_details(&mut conn)) { Ok(s) => { vec_teller_data = s; } Err(err) => println!("Failed to open DB connection. {err:?}"), } if !vec_teller_data.is_empty() { my_status_code = 0; my_status_description = String::from("Successful"); } // assign values to struct variable TellerResponseData { status_code: my_status_code, status_description: my_status_description, teller_data: vec_teller_data, } } pub fn get_customer_data(data: &web::Data) -> CustomerResponseData { let mut vec_customer_data = Vec::new(); let mut my_status_code: u8 = 1; let mut my_status_description: String = String::from("Record not found"); match data .get_conn() .and_then(|mut conn| select_customer_details(&mut conn)) { Ok(s) => { vec_customer_data = s; } Err(err) => println!("Failed to open DB connection. {err:?}"), } if !vec_customer_data.is_empty() { my_status_code = 0; my_status_description = String::from("Successful"); } // assign values to struct variable CustomerResponseData { status_code: my_status_code, status_description: my_status_description, customer_data: vec_customer_data, } } fn insert_bank_data( conn: &mut mysql::PooledConn, my_bank_name: String, my_country: String, ) -> std::result::Result { // Insert data into the database table bank_details conn.exec_drop( "insert into bank_details (bank_name, country) values (:bank_name, :country);", params! { "bank_name" => my_bank_name, "country" => my_country, }, ) .map(|_| conn.last_insert_id()) } fn insert_branch_data( conn: &mut mysql::PooledConn, my_branch_name: String, my_location: String, ) -> std::result::Result { // Insert data into the database table branch_details conn.exec_drop( "insert into branch_details (branch_name, location) values (:branch_name, :location);", params! { "branch_name" => my_branch_name, "location" => my_location, }, ) .map(|_| conn.last_insert_id()) } fn insert_teller_data( conn: &mut mysql::PooledConn, my_teller_name: String, my_branch_name: String, ) -> std::result::Result { // Insert data into the database table teller_details conn.exec_drop( "insert into teller_details (teller_name, branch_name) values (:teller_name, :branch_name);", params! { "teller_name" => my_teller_name, "branch_name" => my_branch_name, }, ).map(|_| conn.last_insert_id()) } fn insert_customer_data( conn: &mut mysql::PooledConn, my_customer_name: String, my_branch_name: String, ) -> std::result::Result { // Insert data into the database table customer_details conn.exec_drop( "insert into customer_details (customer_name, branch_name) values (:customer_name, :branch_name);", params! { "customer_name" => my_customer_name, "branch_name" => my_branch_name, }, ).map(|_| conn.last_insert_id()) } fn select_bank_details( conn: &mut mysql::PooledConn, ) -> std::result::Result, mysql::error::Error> { let mut bank_data = Vec::new(); conn.query_map( "select bank_name, country from bank_details where length(trim(coalesce(bank_name,''))) > 0 and length(trim(coalesce(country,''))) > 0 order by id asc;", |(my_bank_name, my_country)| { let bank_details = BankDetails { bank_name: my_bank_name, country: my_country, }; bank_data.push(bank_details); }, ).map(|_| bank_data) } fn select_branch_details( conn: &mut mysql::PooledConn, ) -> std::result::Result, mysql::error::Error> { let mut branch_data = Vec::new(); conn.query_map( "select branch_name, location from branch_details where length(trim(coalesce(branch_name,''))) > 0 and length(trim(coalesce(location,''))) > 0 order by id asc;", |(my_branch_name, my_location)| { let branch_details = BranchDetails { branch_name: my_branch_name, location: my_location, }; branch_data.push(branch_details); }, ).map(|_| branch_data) } fn select_teller_details( conn: &mut mysql::PooledConn, ) -> std::result::Result, mysql::error::Error> { let mut teller_data = Vec::new(); conn.query_map( "select teller_name, branch_name from teller_details where length(trim(coalesce(teller_name,''))) > 0 and length(trim(coalesce(branch_name,''))) > 0 order by id asc;", |(my_teller_name, my_branch_name)| { let teller_details = TellerDetails { teller_name: my_teller_name, branch_name: my_branch_name, }; teller_data.push(teller_details); }, ).map(|_| teller_data) } fn select_customer_details( conn: &mut mysql::PooledConn, ) -> std::result::Result, mysql::error::Error> { let mut customer_data = Vec::new(); conn.query_map( "select customer_name, branch_name from customer_details where length(trim(coalesce(customer_name,''))) > 0 and length(trim(coalesce(branch_name,''))) > 0 order by id asc;", |(my_customer_name, my_branch_name)| { let teller_details = CustomerDetails { customer_name: my_customer_name, branch_name: my_branch_name, }; customer_data.push(teller_details); }, ).map(|_| customer_data) }