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198 lines
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use std::time::Duration;
use acme::{create_p256_key, Certificate, Directory, DirectoryUrl};
use actix_files::Files;
use actix_web::{rt, web, App, HttpRequest, HttpServer, Responder};
use eyre::eyre;
use rustls::pki_types::{PrivateKeyDer, PrivatePkcs8KeyDer};
use tokio::fs;
const CHALLENGE_DIR: &str = "./acme-challenges";
const DOMAIN_NAME: &str = "example.org";
const CONTACT_EMAIL: &str = "contact@example.org";
pub async fn gen_tls_cert(user_domain: &str, contact_email: &str) -> eyre::Result<Certificate> {
// Create acme-challenge dir.
let domain = user_domain.to_owned();
// Create temporary Actix Web server for ACME challenge.
let srv = HttpServer::new(|| {
Files::new("/.well-known/acme-challenge", "acme-challenge").show_files_listing(),
.bind((domain, 80))?
let srv_handle = srv.handle();
let srv_task = rt::spawn(srv);
// Use DirectoryUrl::LetsEncryptStaging for dev/testing.
let url = DirectoryUrl::LetsEncrypt;
// Create a directory entrypoint.
let dir = Directory::fetch(url).await?;
// Our contact addresses; note the `mailto:`
let user_email_mailto = format!("mailto:{contact_email}");
let contact = vec![user_email_mailto];
// Generate a private key and register an account with our ACME provider.
// We should write it to disk any use `load_account` afterwards.
let acc = dir.register_account(Some(contact.clone())).await?;
// Load an account from string
let priv_key = acc.acme_private_key_pem()?;
let acc = dir.load_account(&priv_key, Some(contact)).await?;
// Order a new TLS certificate for the domain.
let mut ord_new = acc.new_order(user_domain, &[]).await?;
// If the ownership of the domain have already been
// authorized in a previous order, we might be able to
// skip validation. The ACME API provider decides.
let ord_csr = loop {
// Are we done?
if let Some(ord_csr) = ord_new.confirm_validations() {
break ord_csr;
// Get the possible authorizations (for a single domain
// this will only be one element).
let auths = ord_new.authorizations().await?;
// For HTTP, the challenge is a text file that needs to be placed so it
// is accessible to our web server:
// ./acme-challenge/<token>
// The important thing is that it's accessible over the
// web for the domain we are trying to get a
// certificate for:
// http://example.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/<token>
let challenge = auths[0]
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("no HTTP challenge accessible"))?;
// The token is the filename.
let token = challenge.http_token();
// The proof is the contents of the file
let proof = challenge.http_proof()?;
// Place the file/contents in the correct place.
let path = format!("acme-challenge/{token}");
fs::write(&path, &proof).await?;
// After the file is accessible from the web, the calls
// this to tell the ACME API to start checking the
// existence of the proof.
// The order at ACME will change status to either
// confirm ownership of the domain, or fail due to the
// not finding the proof. To see the change, we poll
// the API with 5000 milliseconds wait between.
// Update the state against the ACME API.
// Ownership is proven. Create a private key for
// the certificate. These are provided for convenience; we
// could provide our own keypair instead if we want.
let signing_key = create_p256_key();
// Submit the CSR. This causes the ACME provider to enter a
// state of "processing" that must be polled until the
// certificate is either issued or rejected. Again we poll
// for the status change.
let ord_cert = ord_csr
.finalize(signing_key, Duration::from_secs(5))
// Now download the certificate. Also stores the cert in
// the persistence.
let cert = ord_cert.download_cert().await?;
// Stop temporary server for ACME challenge
// Delete acme-challenge dir
// "Hello world" example
async fn index(_req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
"Hello world!"
async fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {
// Load keys
// ==============================================
// = This process has to be repeated =
// = before the certificate expires (< 90 days) =
// ==============================================
// Obtain TLS certificate
// NOTE: Persisting the private key and certificate chain somewhere is
// recommended in order to avoid unnecessarily regenerating of TLS certs.
let cert = gen_tls_cert(DOMAIN_NAME, CONTACT_EMAIL).await?;
let rustls_config = load_rustls_config(cert)?;
log::info!("starting HTTP server at https://{DOMAIN_NAME}:443");
// Start HTTP server!
let srv = HttpServer::new(|| App::new().route("/", web::get().to(index)))
.bind_rustls_0_23(("", 443), rustls_config)?
let srv_handle = srv.handle();
let _auto_shutdown_task = rt::spawn(async move {
// Shutdown server every 4 weeks so that TLS certs can be regenerated if
// needed. This is only appropriate in contexts like Kubernetes which
// can orchestrate restarts.
rt::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60 * 60 * 24 * 28)).await;
fn load_rustls_config(cert: Certificate) -> eyre::Result<rustls::ServerConfig> {
// init server config builder with safe defaults
let config = rustls::ServerConfig::builder().with_no_client_auth();
// convert ACME-obtained private key
let private_key = PrivateKeyDer::Pkcs8(PrivatePkcs8KeyDer::from(cert.private_key_der()?));
// convert ACME-obtained certificate chain
let cert_chain =
rustls_pemfile::certs(&mut std::io::BufReader::new(cert.certificate().as_bytes()))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
Ok(config.with_single_cert(cert_chain, private_key)?)