# Dotfiles Dotfile management using [Dotbot](https://github.com/anishathalye/dotbot) Structure of this repository is strongly inspired by [vsund](https://github.com/vsund/dotfiles) ## Dependencies * gdb * git * gpg * i3-gaps * `conky` * `dust` * `i3-blocks` * `i3-contrib` * `rofi` * `teiler` * `xbindkeys` * mpd * ncmpcpp * python * termite * tmux * tmuxinator * vim * zsh ## Installation ```bash ~$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/vsund/dotfiles .dotfiles ``` For installing a predefined profile: ```bash ~/.dotfiles$ ./install-profile [] # see meta/profiles/ for available profiles ``` For installing single configurations: ```bash ~/.dotfiles$ ./install-standalone # see meta/configs/ for available configurations ``` You can run these installation commands safely multiple times, if you think that helps with better installation. ## License This software is hereby released into the public domain. That means you can do whatever you want with it without restriction. See `LICENSE.md` for details. That being said, I would appreciate it if you could maintain a link back to Dotbot (or this repository) to help other people discover Dotbot.