#![type_length_limit = "2257138"] #[macro_use] extern crate actix_web; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; #[macro_use] extern crate tracing; mod cache; pub mod config; mod count; mod error; mod service; mod statics; pub mod telemetry; mod template; use crate::{ cache::CacheState, config::Settings, error::{Error, Result}, service::{Bitbucket, FormService, GitHub, Gitlab, Service, Sourcehut}, statics::{CLIENT, CSS, FAVICON, VERSION_INFO}, template::RepoInfo, }; use actix_web::{ dev::Server, http::header::{CacheControl, CacheDirective, Expires, LOCATION}, middleware::{self, TrailingSlash}, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder, }; use badge::{Badge, BadgeOptions}; use git2::{BranchType, Repository}; use number_prefix::NumberPrefix; use std::{ borrow::Cow, fs::create_dir_all, io, net::TcpListener, path::Path, process::Command, sync::atomic::AtomicUsize, sync::atomic::Ordering, time::{Duration, SystemTime}, }; use tracing::Instrument; include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/templates.rs")); #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct GeneratorForm<'a> { service: FormService, user: Cow<'a, str>, repo: Cow<'a, str>, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct State { settings: Settings, } impl State { fn repos(&self) -> String { self.settings.repodir.display().to_string() } fn cache(&self) -> String { self.settings.cachedir.display().to_string() } } #[derive(Serialize)] struct JsonResponse<'a> { head: &'a str, branch: &'a str, count: u64, commits: u64, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct BranchQuery { branch: Option, } fn pull(path: impl AsRef) -> Result<()> { let repo = Repository::open_bare(path)?; let mut origin = repo.find_remote("origin")?; origin.fetch(&["refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"], None, None)?; Ok(()) } fn hoc(repo: &str, repo_dir: &str, cache_dir: &str, branch: &str) -> Result<(u64, String, u64)> { let repo_dir = format!("{}/{}", repo_dir, repo); let cache_dir = format!("{}/{}.json", cache_dir, repo); let cache_dir = Path::new(&cache_dir); let repo = Repository::open_bare(&repo_dir)?; // TODO: do better... let head = repo .find_branch(branch, BranchType::Local) .map_err(|_| Error::BranchNotFound)? .into_reference(); let head = format!("{}", head.target().ok_or(Error::BranchNotFound)?); let mut arg_commit_count = vec!["rev-list".to_string(), "--count".to_string()]; let mut arg = vec![ "log".to_string(), "--pretty=tformat:".to_string(), "--numstat".to_string(), "--ignore-space-change".to_string(), "--ignore-all-space".to_string(), "--ignore-submodules".to_string(), "--no-color".to_string(), "--find-copies-harder".to_string(), "-M".to_string(), "--diff-filter=ACDM".to_string(), ]; let cache = CacheState::read_from_file(&cache_dir, branch, &head)?; match &cache { CacheState::Current { count, commits, .. } => { info!("Using cache"); return Ok((*count, head, *commits)); } CacheState::Old { head, .. } => { info!("Updating cache"); arg.push(format!("{}..{}", head, branch)); arg_commit_count.push(format!("{}..{}", head, branch)); } CacheState::No | CacheState::NoneForBranch(..) => { info!("Creating cache"); arg.push(branch.to_string()); arg_commit_count.push(branch.to_string()); } }; arg.push("--".to_string()); arg.push(".".to_string()); let output = Command::new("git") .args(&arg) .current_dir(&repo_dir) .output()? .stdout; let output = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output); let output_commits = Command::new("git") .args(&arg_commit_count) .current_dir(&repo_dir) .output()? .stdout; let output_commits = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output_commits); let commits: u64 = output_commits.trim().parse()?; let count: u64 = output .lines() .map(|s| { s.split_whitespace() .take(2) .map(str::parse::) .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok) .sum::() }) .sum(); let cache = cache.calculate_new_cache(count, commits, (&head).into(), branch); cache.write_to_file(cache_dir)?; Ok((count, head, commits)) } async fn remote_exists(url: &str) -> Result { let resp = CLIENT.head(url).send().await?; Ok(resp.status() == reqwest::StatusCode::OK) } enum HocResult { Hoc { hoc: u64, commits: u64, hoc_pretty: String, head: String, url: String, repo: String, service_path: String, }, NotFound, } async fn delete_repo_and_cache( state: web::Data, repo_count: web::Data, data: web::Path<(String, String)>, ) -> Result where T: Service, { let data = data.into_inner(); let span = info_span!( "deleting repository and cache", service = T::domain(), user = data.0.as_str(), repo = data.1.as_str() ); let future = async { let repo = format!( "{}/{}/{}", T::domain(), data.0.to_lowercase(), data.1.to_lowercase() ); info!("Deleting cache and repository"); let cache_dir = format!("{}/{}.json", &state.cache(), repo); let repo_dir = format!("{}/{}", &state.repos(), repo); std::fs::remove_file(&cache_dir).or_else(|e| { if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound { Ok(()) } else { Err(e) } })?; std::fs::remove_dir_all(&repo_dir).or_else(|e| { if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound { Ok(()) } else { Err(e) } })?; repo_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); Ok(HttpResponse::TemporaryRedirect() .insert_header(( LOCATION, format!("/{}/{}/{}/view", T::url_path(), data.0, data.1), )) .finish()) }; future.instrument(span).await } async fn handle_hoc_request( state: web::Data, repo_count: web::Data, data: web::Path<(String, String)>, branch: &str, mapper: F, ) -> Result where T: Service, F: FnOnce(HocResult) -> Result, { let data = data.into_inner(); let span = info_span!( "handling hoc calculation", service = T::domain(), user = data.0.as_str(), repo = data.1.as_str(), branch ); let future = async { let repo = format!("{}/{}", data.0.to_lowercase(), data.1.to_lowercase()); let service_path = format!("{}/{}", T::url_path(), repo); let service_url = format!("{}/{}", T::domain(), repo); let path = format!("{}/{}", state.repos(), service_url); let url = format!("https://{}", service_url); let remote_exists = remote_exists(&url).await?; let file = Path::new(&path); if !file.exists() { if !remote_exists { warn!("Repository does not exist"); return mapper(HocResult::NotFound); } info!("Cloning for the first time"); create_dir_all(file)?; let repo = Repository::init_bare(file)?; repo.remote_add_fetch("origin", "refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*")?; repo.remote_set_url("origin", &url)?; repo_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } pull(&path)?; let (hoc, head, commits) = hoc(&service_url, &state.repos(), &state.cache(), branch)?; let hoc_pretty = match NumberPrefix::decimal(hoc as f64) { NumberPrefix::Standalone(hoc) => hoc.to_string(), NumberPrefix::Prefixed(prefix, hoc) => format!("{:.1}{}", hoc, prefix), }; let res = HocResult::Hoc { hoc, commits, hoc_pretty, head, url, repo, service_path, }; mapper(res) }; future.instrument(span).await } pub(crate) async fn json_hoc( state: web::Data, repo_count: web::Data, data: web::Path<(String, String)>, branch: web::Query, ) -> Result { let branch = branch.branch.as_deref().unwrap_or("master"); let rc_clone = repo_count.clone(); let mapper = move |r| match r { HocResult::NotFound => p404(rc_clone), HocResult::Hoc { hoc, head, commits, .. } => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(JsonResponse { branch, head: &head, count: hoc, commits, })), }; handle_hoc_request::(state, repo_count, data, branch, mapper).await } fn no_cache_response(body: Vec) -> HttpResponse { let expiration = SystemTime::now() + Duration::from_secs(30); HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("image/svg+xml") .insert_header(Expires(expiration.into())) .insert_header(CacheControl(vec![ CacheDirective::MaxAge(0u32), CacheDirective::MustRevalidate, CacheDirective::NoCache, CacheDirective::NoStore, ])) .body(body) } pub(crate) async fn calculate_hoc( state: web::Data, repo_count: web::Data, data: web::Path<(String, String)>, branch: web::Query, ) -> HttpResponse { let rc_clone = repo_count.clone(); let mapper = move |r| match r { HocResult::NotFound => p404(rc_clone), HocResult::Hoc { hoc_pretty, .. } => { let badge_opt = BadgeOptions { subject: "Hits-of-Code".to_string(), color: "#007ec6".to_string(), status: hoc_pretty, }; let badge = Badge::new(badge_opt)?; // TODO: remove clone let body = badge.to_svg().as_bytes().to_vec(); Ok(no_cache_response(body)) } }; let branch = branch.branch.as_deref().unwrap_or("master"); let error_badge = |_| { let error_badge = Badge::new(BadgeOptions { subject: "Hits-of-Code".to_string(), color: "#ff0000".to_string(), status: "error".to_string(), }) .unwrap(); let body = error_badge.to_svg().as_bytes().to_vec(); no_cache_response(body) }; handle_hoc_request::(state, repo_count, data, branch, mapper) .await .unwrap_or_else(error_badge) } async fn overview( state: web::Data, repo_count: web::Data, data: web::Path<(String, String)>, branch: web::Query, ) -> Result { let branch = branch.branch.as_deref().unwrap_or("master"); let base_url = state.settings.base_url.clone(); let rc_clone = repo_count.clone(); let mapper = move |r| match r { HocResult::NotFound => p404(rc_clone), HocResult::Hoc { hoc, commits, hoc_pretty, url, head, repo, service_path, } => { let mut buf = Vec::new(); let repo_info = RepoInfo { commit_url: &T::commit_url(&repo, &head), commits, base_url: &base_url, head: &head, hoc, hoc_pretty: &hoc_pretty, path: &service_path, url: &url, branch, }; templates::overview( &mut buf, VERSION_INFO, rc_clone.load(Ordering::Relaxed), repo_info, )?; Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().content_type("text/html").body(buf)) } }; handle_hoc_request::(state, repo_count, data, branch, mapper).await } #[get("/health_check")] async fn health_check() -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok().finish() } #[get("/")] async fn index( state: web::Data, repo_count: web::Data, ) -> Result { let mut buf = Vec::new(); templates::index( &mut buf, VERSION_INFO, repo_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), &state.settings.base_url, )?; Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().content_type("text/html").body(buf)) } #[post("/generate")] async fn generate( params: web::Form>, state: web::Data, repo_count: web::Data, ) -> Result { let repo = format!("{}/{}", params.user, params.repo); let mut buf = Vec::new(); templates::generate( &mut buf, VERSION_INFO, repo_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), &state.settings.base_url, params.service.url(), params.service.service(), &repo, )?; Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().content_type("text/html").body(buf)) } fn p404(repo_count: web::Data) -> Result { let mut buf = Vec::new(); templates::p404(&mut buf, VERSION_INFO, repo_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed))?; Ok(HttpResponse::NotFound().content_type("text/html").body(buf)) } async fn async_p404(repo_count: web::Data) -> Result { p404(repo_count) } async fn css() -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok().content_type("text/css").body(CSS) } async fn favicon32() -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok().content_type("image/png").body(FAVICON) } async fn start_server(listener: TcpListener, settings: Settings) -> std::io::Result { let workers = settings.workers; let repo_count = // TODO: errorhandling web::Data::new(AtomicUsize::new(count::count_repositories(&settings.repodir).unwrap())); let state = web::Data::new(State { settings }); Ok(HttpServer::new(move || { let app = App::new() .app_data(state.clone()) .app_data(repo_count.clone()) .wrap(tracing_actix_web::TracingLogger::default()) .wrap(middleware::NormalizePath::new(TrailingSlash::Trim)) .service(index) .service(health_check) .service(web::resource("/tacit-css.min.css").route(web::get().to(css))) .service(web::resource("/favicon.ico").route(web::get().to(favicon32))) .service(generate) .default_service(web::to(async_p404)); let app = GitHub::register_service(app); let app = Gitlab::register_service(app); let app = Bitbucket::register_service(app); Sourcehut::register_service(app) }) .workers(workers) .listen(listener)? .run()) } pub async fn run(listener: TcpListener, settings: Settings) -> std::io::Result { let span = info_span!("hoc", version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); let _ = span.enter(); start_server(listener, settings).instrument(span).await }