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2020-03-30 18:33:48 +02:00
GeneralHelpNotFound: '&CNo help list found.'
VoteStartHelpNotFound: '&CNo votes you can start found.'
- '&6/vote yes &A- Vote yes on the active vote.'
- '&6/vote no &A- Vote no on the active vote.'
- '&6/vote [votename] &A- Start a new vote with the keyword. '
- '&6/vote list &A- Display list of votes you can start.'
- '&6/vote veto &A- Immediately cancel vote in progress.'
- '&6/vote reload &A- Reload Vote plugin.'
Version: '2.0'
Version: '1.4.6_01'
VoteEndSuccessText: '&AThe majority has voted yes.'
NoVoteInProgress: '&CNo vote is currently in progress!'
PlayerUnbannable: '&A[%0] &Ccannot be banned!'
VoteAlreadyInProgress: '&CA vote is already active, please wait to start another vote.'
VoteStartText: '&A[%0] has started a vote! Type &6/vote Yes &Aor &6/vote No &Ato vote.'
VoteCanceled: '&AThe vote has been canceled.'
PlayerVoteCounted: '&AVote counted.'
PlayerVoteStartNoPermission: '&CYou do not have permission to start a vote.'
PlayerNotFound: '&A[%0] &Ccannot be found!'
PlayerSetValueNoPermission: '&CYou do not have permission to the setvalue command.'
PlayerUnkickable: '&A[%0] &Ccannot be kicked!'
PlayerVoteChanged: '&AYou changed your vote.'
VoteEndFailText: '&AThe majority has voted no.'
PlayerVoteNoPermission: 'You do not have permission to vote.'
PlayerAlreadyVoted: '&CYou have already voted!'
- 'yes'
- 'y'
- 'no'
- 'n'
- 'list'
- 'help'
- 'veto'
- 'reload'
VoteVetoNoPermission: '&CYou do not have permission to veto!'
ReloadNoPermission: '&CYou do not have permission to reload!'
VoteNotFound: '&C[%0] does not exist!'
PlayerIPAlreadyVoted: '&CA player with your IP address has already voted!'
CheckPlayerIPAddress: true
Description: 'Ban a player'
ArgumentCount: 1
InsufficientArgumentsError: '&CIncorrect arguments! You need to do /Vote ban PlayerName where PlayerName is the players name'
VoteStartText: '&A[%1] has started a vote to ban &C[%0]&A! Type &6/vote yes &Aor &6/vote no &Ato vote'
TimeoutSeconds: 60
VoteOnCooldownText: '&CA player has been banned too recently!'
VoteSuccessText: '&AVote succeeded! &C[%0] &Ahas been banned'
VoteSuccessCommandDelaySeconds: 3
- vote setvalue ban [%0]
CooldownMinutesToSuccessRevote: 15
VoteFailText: '&AVote to ban &C[%0] &Afailed!'
VoteFailCommandDelaySeconds: 0
VoteFailCommands: []
CooldownMinutesToFailRevote: 30
MinimumVotes: 1
PercentToSucceed: 80
IgnoreUnvotedPlayers: true
IsConsoleCommand: true
LastSuccessfulVote: 0
LastFailedVote: 0
Description: 'Kick player'
ArgumentCount: 1
InsufficientArgumentsError: '&CIncorrect arguments! You need to do /Vote kick PlayerName where PlayerName is the players name'
VoteStartText: '&A[%1] has started a vote to kick &C[%0]&A! Type &6/vote yes &Aor &6/vote no &Ato vote'
TimeoutSeconds: 60
VoteOnCooldownText: '&CA player has been kicked too recently!'
VoteSuccessText: '&AVote succeeded! &C[%0] &Ahas been kicked'
VoteSuccessCommandDelaySeconds: 3
- vote setvalue kick [%0]
CooldownMinutesToSuccessRevote: 1
VoteFailText: '&AVote to kick &C[%0] &Afailed!'
VoteFailCommandDelaySeconds: 0
VoteFailCommands: []
CooldownMinutesToFailRevote: 30
MinimumVotes: 1
PercentToSucceed: 70
IgnoreUnvotedPlayers: true
IsConsoleCommand: true
LastSuccessfulVote: 0
LastFailedVote: 0
Description: 'Restart the server'
ArgumentCount: 0
InsufficientArgumentsError: ''
VoteStartText: '&A[%0] has started a vote to restart the server! Type &6/vote yes &Aor &6/vote no &Ato vote'
TimeoutSeconds: 60
VoteOnCooldownText: '&CThe server has been restarted recently. Please wait a bit before trying again.'
VoteSuccessText: '&AVote succeeded! Restarting server in 60 seconds'
VoteSuccessCommandDelaySeconds: 60
- kickall
- save-all
- stop
CooldownMinutesToSuccessRevote: 120
VoteFailText: '&AVote to kick &C[%0] &Afailed!'
VoteFailCommandDelaySeconds: 0
VoteFailCommands: []
CooldownMinutesToFailRevote: 30
MinimumVotes: 1
PercentToSucceed: 60
IgnoreUnvotedPlayers: true
IsConsoleCommand: true
LastSuccessfulVote: 0
LastFailedVote: 0
Description: 'Set time to night'
ArgumentCount: 0
InsufficientArgumentsError: ''
VoteStartText: '&A[%0] has started a vote to set the time to night! Type &6/vote yes &Aor &6/vote no &Ato vote'
TimeoutSeconds: 60
VoteOnCooldownText: '&CThe time has been set to night too recently!'
VoteSuccessText: '&AVote succeeded! Time set to night'
VoteSuccessCommandDelaySeconds: 0
- vote setvalue time 13000
CooldownMinutesToSuccessRevote: 10
VoteFailText: '&AVote failed! Try again the next time day comes around.'
VoteFailCommandDelaySeconds: 0
VoteFailCommands: []
CooldownMinutesToFailRevote: 15
MinimumVotes: 1
PercentToSucceed: 60
IgnoreUnvotedPlayers: true
IsConsoleCommand: false
LastSuccessfulVote: 0
LastFailedVote: 0
Description: 'Set time to day'
ArgumentCount: 0
InsufficientArgumentsError: ''
VoteStartText: '&A[%0] has started a vote to set the time to day! Type &6/vote yes &Aor &6/vote no &Ato vote'
TimeoutSeconds: 60
VoteOnCooldownText: '&CThe time has been set to day too recently!'
VoteSuccessText: '&AVote succeeded! Time set to day'
VoteSuccessCommandDelaySeconds: 0
- vote setvalue time 0
CooldownMinutesToSuccessRevote: 10
VoteFailText: '&AVote failed! Try again the next time night comes around.'
VoteFailCommandDelaySeconds: 0
VoteFailCommands: []
CooldownMinutesToFailRevote: 15
MinimumVotes: 1
PercentToSucceed: 60
IgnoreUnvotedPlayers: true
IsConsoleCommand: false
LastSuccessfulVote: 0
LastFailedVote: 0
Description: 'Set weather to rain'
ArgumentCount: 0
InsufficientArgumentsError: ''
VoteStartText: '&A[%0] has started a vote to set the weather to rain! type &6/vote yes &Aor &6/vote no &Ato vote'
TimeoutSeconds: 60
VoteOnCooldownText: '&CWeather has been set to rain too recently!'
VoteSuccessText: '&AVote succeeded! It is now rainy.'
VoteSuccessCommandDelaySeconds: 0
- vote setvalue rain
CooldownMinutesToSuccessRevote: 5
VoteFailText: '&AVote failed! Try again next time.'
VoteFailCommandDelaySeconds: 0
VoteFailCommands: []
CooldownMinutesToFailRevote: 10
MinimumVotes: 1
PercentToSucceed: 60
IgnoreUnvotedPlayers: true
IsConsoleCommand: false
LastSuccessfulVote: 0
LastFailedVote: 0
Description: 'Set weather to sunny'
ArgumentCount: 0
InsufficientArgumentsError: ''
VoteStartText: '&A[%0] has started a vote to set the weather to sunny! type &6/vote yes &Aor &6/vote no &Ato vote'
TimeoutSeconds: 60
VoteOnCooldownText: '&CWeather has been set to sunny too recently!'
VoteSuccessText: '&AVote succeeded! It is now sunny.'
VoteSuccessCommandDelaySeconds: 0
- vote setvalue sun
CooldownMinutesToSuccessRevote: 5
VoteFailText: '&AVote failed! Try again next time.'
VoteFailCommandDelaySeconds: 0
VoteFailCommands: []
CooldownMinutesToFailRevote: 10
MinimumVotes: 1
PercentToSucceed: 60
IgnoreUnvotedPlayers: true
IsConsoleCommand: false
LastSuccessfulVote: 0
LastFailedVote: 0