# Use this properties file to edit the messages. # You can also use color codes and declare new lines by # using the "line-separator" defined in the config logger.enabled=enabled. logger.disabled=disabled. logger.vault.notfound=Permission system not found from Vault or Vault is not installed.<newline>Defaulting to Bukkit's permission system. logger.config.defaults=Config file not found. Writing defaults. logger.lottery.num=<number> lotterie(s) have been loaded. logger.lottery.save.force=lotteries saved. logger.lottery.saving.force=Force saving lotteries... logger.exception.sleep=exception caught in sleep() logger.exception.itemstack=Failed to load item stack from '<line>' logger.exception.file.load=Failed to load: <file> logger.exception.file.save=Failed to save: <file> plugin.error.guiopened=&cGui Creator is already opened. plugin.headliner=&6--------------------------------------------------- plugin.update-available=&cNew version available: Current version: <current_version>, Latest version: <new_version>. plugin.command.headliner=&e--------[ &6Commands (<page>/<max>)&e]-------- plugin.command.exception=&6Exception caught while executing this command. plugin.command.error.notfound=&cDid not recognize '<command>' as a command. plugin.command.error.access=&cYou do not have access to this command. plugin.command.list-winners.headliner=&e--------[&6Recent Winners&e]-------- plugin.command.list-winners.token=&e<number>. <winner> plugin.command.main=&e- /<command> <page> &a- &6scroll through commands in pages plugin.command.atp=&e- /<command> [addtopot/atp] <lottery name> <money> &a- &6add money to a lotteries pot. plugin.command.atp.mess=&e<money> &ehas been added to &6<lottery>'s &epot. plugin.command.buy=&e- /<command> buy <lottery name> <x tickets> &a- &6buy tickets for a lottery. plugin.command.buy.main=&e- /<command> buy <x tickets> &a- &6buy tickets for the main lottery. plugin.command.claim=&e- /<command> claim &a- &6claim rewards from lotteries you have won. plugin.command.config=&e- /<command> config reload &a- &6reload config and lang.properties. plugin.command.config.version=Version <version> reloaded. plugin.command.create=&e- /<command> create <lottery names> &a- &6create a lottery section in the 'lotteries.yml'. plugin.command.draw=&e- /<command> draw <lottery name> &a- &6force draw a lottery. plugin.command.gui=&e- /<command> guic &a- &6open the gui. plugin.command.gui-creator=&e- /<command> guic <lottery name> &a- &6open a new creator in the gui. plugin.command.info=&e- /<command> info <lottery name> &a- &6get info about a lottery. plugin.command.info.headliner=&e--------[&6Lottery Info: <lottery>&e]-------- plugin.command.list=&e- /<command> list <page> &a- &6list lotteries. plugin.command.list.filter=&e- /<command> list <config|name|pot|time> <page> &a- &6list lotteries using a filter. plugin.command.load1=&e- /<command> load <lottery names> &a- &6load a lottery from the 'lotteries.yml'. plugin.command.load2=&e- /<command> load &a- &6load all unloaded lotteries from the 'lotteries.yml'. plugin.command.reloadall=&e- /<command> reloadall &a- &6reload all lotteries. plugin.command.reload=&e- /<command> reload <lottery names> &a- &6reload a lottery. plugin.command.reward=&e- /<command> reward <player> <lottery name> <x tickets> &a- &6reward a player tickets. plugin.command.reward.error.yourself=&cYou cannot reward yourself. plugin.command.reward.error.toomany=&cCannot reward this many tickets. plugin.command.reward.mess=&6<player> &ehas been rewarded &6<tickets> ticket(s) &efor &6<lottery>. plugin.command.reward.player.mess=You have been rewarded &6<tickets> ticket(s) &efor &6<lottery>. plugin.command.save=&e- /<command> save &a- &6force save lotteries. plugin.command.save.mess=&eLotteries have been saved. plugin.command.unload=&e- /<command> unload <lottery name> <delete> &a- &6unload a lottery. plugin.command.update=&e- /<command> update &a- &6check for updates. plugin.command.version=&e- /<command> version &a- &6get plugin version. plugin.command.version.mess=Current version you are running is v<version>. plugin.command.winners=&e- /<command> winners &a- &6view recent winners of lotteries. plugin.gui.title=Lottery+ GUI plugin.gui.options=Options plugin.gui.button.remove=Remove plugin.gui.button.add=Add plugin.gui.button.create=Create plugin.gui.border.options=Options plugin.gui.border.properties=Properties plugin.gui.textfield.value=Type your values here. plugin.gui.dialog.lottery-section-created=A section was created for <lottery>. plugin.gui.dialog.lottery-name=Type the name of the lottery properties you want to open or create. plugin.gui.dialog.lottery-rename=Type the name of the new lottery to rename it. plugin.gui.dialog.confirm.reset=Are you sure you want reset the current settings? There is no going back. plugin.gui.dialog.confirm.remove=Are you sure you want remove the current settings? There is no going back. plugin.gui.dialog.error.type=Value is of wrong type. plugin.gui.dialog.error.types=One of these values is of a wrong type. plugin.gui.menu.help=Help plugin.gui.menu.options=Options plugin.gui.menu.exit=Exit plugin.gui.menu.remove=Remove plugin.gui.menu.open=Open/Create plugin.gui.menu.reset=Reset plugin.gui.menu.rename=Rename plugin.gui.menu.tutorial=Tutorial plugin.gui.menu.ticket=Ticket plugin.gui.menu.website=Plugin Website plugin.gui.menu.skins=Skins plugin.error.no-update=&cNo updates available. plugin.error.permission=&cYou do not have permission. plugin.exception.config.load=&eException caught while loading config: '<file>' plugin.exception.config.save=&eException caught while saving config: '<file>' plugin.exception.vault.economy=Economy system not found from Vault. config.description.aliases=The aliases that can be used in place of the lottery name. config.description.buy-tickets=This controls whether players should be allowed to buy tickets. config.description.clear-pot=Whether to clear the pot after a failed drawing. config.description.clear-rewards=Whether to clear the rewards after a failed drawing. config.description.cooldown=How much time is subtracted after a player buys tickets, x seconds. config.description.item-rewards=The item rewards to add to this lottery. Look at config to see how to define them. config.description.keep-tickets=Whether to keep the tickets after a failed drawing. config.description.material-id=The ID of the material for the economy if 'use-vault' is false. For data values, add a colen then that data value. Ex: '351:2' config.description.material-name=The name of the material for the economy if 'use-vault' is false. config.description.max-tickets=The maximum # of tickets a player can buy, set to 0 for no limit. config.description.max-players=The maximum # of players that can be in a lottery, set to 0 for no limit. config.description.min-players=The minimum # of players that must be in a lottery. config.description.pot=The starting pot of the lottery. config.description.pot-tax=The percentage of the pot winnings that is taxed. config.description.repeat=This controls whether the lottery should continue after a winning is drawn. config.description.reset-add-cooldown=The cooldown that is added after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-item-rewards=The item rewards that are added after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-max-players=The amount that is increased to 'max-players' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-max-tickets=The amount that is increased to 'max-tickets' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-min-players=The amount that is increased to 'min-players' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-pot=The amount that is increased to 'pot' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-pot-tax=The amount that is increased to 'pot-tax' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-ticket-cost=The amount that is increased to 'ticket-cost' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-ticket-tax=The amount that is increased to 'ticket-tax' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-time=The amount that is increased to 'time' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.reset-add-warmup=The amount that is increased to 'warmup' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players. config.description.seed=The seed used for the random generator. config.description.tax-account=The account that receives the funds taxed from 'ticket-tax'. config.description.ticket-cost=The ticket cost for the lottery. config.description.ticket-limit=The amount of tickets that is created, set to 0 for no limit. config.description.ticket-tax=The percentage of the 'ticket-cost' that is taxed. config.description.time=The time between drawings of the lottery, x hours. Can have decimal (2.5 = 2 hours, 30 minutes). config.description.towny=The towns from Towny that can buy from this lottery. config.description.use-pot=Whether the lottery should have a pot. config.description.use-timer=Whether the lottery should have a timer. config.description.use-vault=Whether the lottery should use vault as an economy. See 'material-id' and 'material-name'. config.description.votifier-reward=The amount of tickets that is rewarded to a player that votes for your server. config.description.warmup=The amount of time that is added to the lottery timer, x seconds. config.description.warning-times=The times at which players are warned about this lottery. See config to see how to define. config.description.win-again=Whether a player can win the lottery twice in a row. config.description.worlds=The worlds that can buy from this lottery. lottery.claim.notify=&eYou have recently won some lotteries! Type '/lottery claim' to claim your rewards! lottery.section.created=&eSection created for &6<lottery>, &eyou can then load this lottery using '/lottery load <lottery name>' when you are done setting the values. lottery.section.loaded=&6<lottery> &ehas been loaded. lottery.unloaded=&6<lottery> &ehas been unloaded. lottery.unloaded-removed=&6<lottery> &ehas been unloaded and removed. lottery.reload=&6<lottery> &ehas been reloaded. lottery.info.time=&e- Time Left: <time> lottery.info.drawing=&e- Drawing: <is_drawing> lottery.info.pot=&e- Pot: <pot> lottery.info.reward=&e- Reward: <reward> lottery.info.ticket-cost=&e- Ticket Cost: <ticket_cost> lottery.info.ticket-tax=&e- Ticket Tax: <ticket_tax> lottery.info.pot-tax=&e- Pot Tax: <pot_tax> lottery.info.players=&e- Players Entered: <players> lottery.info.tickets.left=&e- Tickets Left: <number> lottery.info.tickets.bought=&e- Tickets Bought: <number> lottery.info.aliases=&e- Aliases: <aliases> lottery.list.headliner=&e--------[&6Lotteries, Page (<page>/<max>)&e]-------- lottery.list.token=&e<number>. <lottery>: <aliases> lottery.trans-completed=&aTransaction completed. lottery.reward.leftover=&eYou have some rewards left over. You can use '/lottery claim' to claim them later. lottery.reward.item=&eYou have been rewarded &6<amount> <item>(s) &efrom &6<lottery>. lottery.reward.items=<number> item(s) lottery.reward.item.info=<amount> <item>(s) lottery.reward.pot=&eYou have been rewarded &6<pot> &efrom &6<lottery>. lottery.reward.pot.info=<pot> lottery.vote.reward.mess=&e<player> has been rewarded <number> tickets for <lottery> for voting! lottery.timer.infinite=infinite lottery.tickets.howmany=&eHow many tickets would you like to buy? lottery.tickets.mess=&eYou have bought &6<tickets> ticket(s) &efor &6<lottery>. lottery.tickets.format=<tickets> ticket(s) lottery.time.weeks=week(s) lottery.time.days=day(s) lottery.time.hours=hour(s) lottery.time.minutes=minute(s) lottery.time.seconds=second(s) lottery.pot.mess=&6<money> &ehas been added to &6<lottery>'s &epot. lottery.sign.created=&eSign created for &6<lottery>. lottery.sign.removed=&eSign removed from &6<lottery>. # <name> - name of the lottery # <ticketcost> - cost of a ticket for the lottery # <reward> - reward of the lottery # <time> - time until drawing # <winner> - most recent winner of the lottery # <ticket_tax> - ticket tax of the lottery # <pot_tax> - pot tax of the lottery lottery.mess.sign=&eName: <name><newline>&eTicket Cost: <ticketcost> # <name> - name of the lottery # <ticketcost> - cost of a ticket for the lottery # <reward> - reward of the lottery # <time> - time until drawing # <winner> - most recent winner of the lottery # <ticket_tax> - ticket tax of the lottery # <pot_tax> - pot tax of the lottery lottery.mess.main=&e[Lottery+] - <name>: Time Left: <time>, Reward: <reward> # see config.yml -> defaults -> warning-times: for warning time lottery.mess.warning=&e[Lottery+] - There are <time> left until the drawing occurs for <name>. lottery.mess.reminder=&e[Lottery+] - Don't forget to check your servers lotteries. Type '/lottery list' to list lotteries. lottery.mess.buy=&e<player> has bought <tickets> tickets for <lottery> lottery.drawing.mess=&6<lottery> &eis drawing, and the winner is... lottery.drawing.force.mess=&6<player> &eis force drawing &6<lottery>, &eand the winner is... lottery.drawing.winner.mess=&6<winner>! Congratulations! lottery.economy.item=<amount> <material>(s) lottery.economy.item.dropped=&e<money> has been dropped on the ground. lottery.error.claim.none=&cYou do not have any rewards to claim! lottery.error.exists=&c<lottery> already exists! lottery.error.notfound=&c<lottery> does not exist! lottery.error.drawing=&c<lottery> is currently drawing! lottery.error.invalid-number=&cInvalid number. lottery.error.trans-cancelled=&cTransaction cancelled. lottery.error.neg-tickets=&cYou must buy a postive number of tickets. lottery.error.removed-unknown=&c<lottery> has been removed for unknown reasons. lottery.error.nopot=&c<lottery> does not have a pot! lottery.error.noaccount=&cYou do not have an account with the server's economy! lottery.error.notenough=&cYou do not have enough <money>. lottery.error.tickets.anymore=&cYou cannot buy anymore tickets. lottery.error.tickets.toomuch=&cYou cannot buy this many tickets. lottery.error.tickets.negative=&cYou must buy a positive number of tickets. lottery.error.tickets.notenough=&cYou do not have enough money to buy this amount of tickets. lottery.error.tickets.soldout=&cAll tickets are sold out for <lottery>. lottery.error.tickets.disabled=&cBuying tickets is disabled for <lottery>. lottery.error.player.nomore=&cCannot fit anymore people in this lottery. lottery.error.cooldown=&cYou must wait <time> seconds before purchasing another ticket. lottery.error.drawing.notenough=&eNo one! There were not enough players entered. Restarting lottery. lottery.error.drawing.nowinner=&eNo one won the lottery. Better luck next time! lottery.error.sign.specify=&cYou must specify a lottery. lottery.error.sign.break=&cYou cannot break this sign. lottery.error.sign.load=&c<loc> is no longer a sign. lottery.error.block.break=&cYou cannot break this block. lottery.error.loc.load=&c<line> is a corrupt location. lottery.error.section.exists=&cSection already exists for <lottery>. lottery.error.section.notfound=&cSection does not exist for <lottery>. lottery.error.negative.ticket-cost=Ticket Cost cannot be negative: <ticket_cost> lottery.error.negative.time=Time cannot be negative: <time> lottery.error.negative.pot=Pot Cost cannot be negative: <pot> lottery.error.nowinner=no winner yet lottery.error.already-won=&cYou have already won this <lottery>. You cannot enter again until <lottery> has been drawn. lottery.error.already-won.reward=&c<player> has already won this <lottery>. He cannot enter again until <lottery> has been drawn. lottery.error.world.access=&cThis lottery does not belong to the world you are in. lottery.error.towny.access=&cThis lottery does not belong to your residential town. lottery.exception.reward=&eAn error occurred while trying to reward you. lottery.exception.lottery.load=&eException caught while trying to load <lottery>. <newline>&eYou can try to load this later using '/lottery load <lottery name>' lottery.exception.lottery.reload=&eException caught while trying to reload &6<lottery>.<newline>&eYou can try to load this later using '/lottery load <lottery name>' lottery.exception.drawing=&eAn error occurred while drawing <lottery>. lottery.exception.options.load=Failed to load options for <lottery>. lottery.exception.economy.load=Failed to load economy for <lottery>.