# This is the main configuration file for Bukkit. # As you can see, there's actually not that much to configure without any plugins. # For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the bukkit wiki at # http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml settings: allow-end: true warn-on-overload: true permissions-file: permissions.yml update-folder: update ping-packet-limit: 100 use-exact-login-location: false plugin-profiling: false connection-throttle: 4000 query-plugins: true deprecated-verbose: default shutdown-message: Server closed restart-script-location: start.bat timeout-time: 300 restart-on-crash: false filter-unsafe-ips: false whitelist-message: You are not white-listed on this server! fml-missing-message: You do not have FML installed, you cannot connect to this server fml-missing-mods-message: The server requires mods that are absent or out of date on your client fml-outdated-message: Your client is not running a new enough version of FML to connect to this server fml-other-error-message: There was a problem during FML negotiation log-commands: true command-complete: true restart-command: true tps-command: true spam-exclusions: - /skill mcpc: connection-logging: false dump-materials: false world-leak-debug: false infinite-water-source: true flowing-lava-decay: false load-chunk-on-request: false simulate-block-place-event-IDs: [] simulate-block-place-event-default: true warn-place-no-tile-entity: true fake-players: com/eloraam/redpower/machine/EntityPlayerFake: username: '[RedPower]' do-login: false dan200/turtle/shared/TurtlePlayer: username: '[ComputerCraft]' do-login: false plugin-settings: default: debug: false custom-class-loader: true use-guava10: true remap-nms-v1_4_R1: true remap-nms-v1_4_6: true remap-obc-v1_4_6: true remap-obc-pre: false remap-nms-pre: 'false' global-inheritance: true plugin-inheritance: true remap-reflect-field: true bukkit-to-forge-mappings: world_nether: dim-1 world_the_end: dim1 world_twilightforest: dim7 world-settings: default: growth-chunks-per-tick: 650 mob-spawn-range: 4 item-merge-radius: 3.5 exp-merge-radius: 3.5 random-light-updates: false aggregate-chunkticks: 4 wheat-growth-modifier: 100 cactus-growth-modifier: 100 melon-growth-modifier: 100 pumpkin-growth-modifier: 100 sugar-growth-modifier: 100 tree-growth-modifier: 100 mushroom-growth-modifier: 100 verbose: false keeploaded-environment-the_end: true keeploaded-environment-twilightforest: true worldgen-modbspkrsCore-ModLoaderWorldGenerator: true worldgen-IC2-IC2: true worldgen-factorization-Registry: true keeploaded-environment-normal: true keeploaded-environment-nether: true keeploaded-environment-myst: false worldgen-ThermalExpansion-WorldHandler: true worldgen-AppliedEnergistics-AppEng: true worldgen-DimensionalDoors-RiftGenerator: true keeploaded-environment-pocket: false keeploaded-environment-limbo: false worldgen-FlatBedrock-FlatBedrockWorldGen: true worldgen-RedPowerWorld-WorldGenHandler: true worldgen-NetherOres-NetherOresWorldGenHandler: true world: growth-chunks-per-tick: 1000 world_nether: view-distance: 5 growth-chunks-per-tick: 0 random-light-updates: true water-creatures-per-chunk: 0 spawn-limits: monsters: 70 animals: 15 water-animals: 5 ambient: 15 chunk-gc: period-in-ticks: 600 load-threshold: 0 ticks-per: animal-spawns: 400 monster-spawns: 1 autosave: 0 auto-updater: enabled: true on-broken: - warn-console - warn-ops on-update: - warn-console - warn-ops preferred-channel: rb host: dl.bukkit.org suggest-channels: true database: username: bukkit isolation: SERIALIZABLE driver: org.sqlite.JDBC password: walrus url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db orebfuscator: enable: false update-radius: 2 disabled-worlds: - world_the_end