local sideNames = rs.getSides() local sensorSides = {} local sideSelection, targetSelection, targetOffset, detailOffset = 1, 1, 1, 1 local detailLines, targetNameMenuTable local graphing, graphSide, graphTarget, graphMatch, graphInstance = false os.loadAPI("ocs/apis/graph") os.loadAPI("ocs/apis/sensor") local function checkSensors() for _,side in ipairs(sideNames) do if peripheral.getType(side) == "sensor" then sensorSides[side] = true else sensorSides[side] = false end end end local function writeEntry(menuTable, index, cursorPos) if cursorPos == index then term.setBackgroundColor(term.isColor() and colors.blue or colors.white) term.setTextColor(term.isColor() and colors.white or colors.black) term.write(string.sub(menuTable[index], 1, 16)) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.setTextColor(colors.white) else term.write(string.sub(menuTable[index], 1, 16)) end end local function toLines(currTable, linesTable, trackingTable, depth) for k,v in pairs(currTable) do if type(v) == "table" then table.insert(linesTable, string.rep(" ", depth)..tostring(k)..":") if trackingTable[v] then table.insert(linesTable, string.rep(" ", depth + 1).."<Cyclic Reference: "..trackingTable[v]..">") else trackingTable[v] = #linesTable toLines(v, linesTable, trackingTable, depth + 1) end else table.insert(linesTable, string.rep(" ", depth)..tostring(k).."> "..tostring(v)) end end end local function drawDividerDown(startY) local w, h = term.getSize() for i=startY, h do term.setCursorPos(17, i) term.write("|") end end local function redraw() w, h = term.getSize() --pre-fetch sensor targets and detailed target information. local targetNames = nil detailLines = {} checkSensors() if sensorSides[sideNames[sideSelection]] then targetNames = sensor.call(sideNames[sideSelection], "getSensorName") and sensor.call(sideNames[sideSelection], "getTargets") targetNameMenuTable = {} if targetNames then for k,v in pairs(targetNames) do table.insert(targetNameMenuTable, k) end table.sort(targetNameMenuTable) if #targetNameMenuTable > 0 then toLines(sensor.call(sideNames[sideSelection], "getTargetDetails", targetNameMenuTable[targetSelection]), detailLines, {}, 0) end end end --now draw the screen. term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) term.write("=Sensor Info Viewer="..string.rep("=", w - 20)) term.setCursorPos(1, 2) for n,side in ipairs(sideNames) do if n == sideSelection then term.setBackgroundColor(term.isColor() and colors.blue or colors.white) term.setTextColor(term.isColor() and colors.white or colors.black) term.write(side) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.write(" ") else term.write(side.." ") end end term.setCursorPos(1, 3) term.write("-Targets--------+-Info-"..string.rep("-", w - 23)) if targetNames then --make sure we have valid targets, even if we have a valid sensor. if #targetNameMenuTable > 0 then term.setCursorPos(1, 4) if targetOffset > 1 then term.write("/\\") else writeEntry(targetNameMenuTable, 1, targetSelection) end --h-5 to leave room for top and bottom entries. for i=1, math.min(h - 5, #targetNameMenuTable - 1) do term.setCursorPos(1, i + 4) writeEntry(targetNameMenuTable, targetOffset + i, targetSelection) end if #targetNameMenuTable >= h then term.setCursorPos(1, h) if #targetNameMenuTable > targetOffset + h - 4 then term.write("\\/") else writeEntry(targetNameMenuTable, #targetNameMenuTable, targetSelection) end end --detailed info. for i=1, math.min(h - 3, #detailLines - ((detailOffset - 1) * (h - 3))) do term.setCursorPos(17, i + 3) term.write("|"..string.sub(detailLines[(detailOffset - 1) * (h - 3) + i], 1, w - 17)) end local currX, currY = term.getCursorPos() drawDividerDown(currY + 1) else term.setCursorPos(1, 4) term.write("No targets found|") drawDividerDown(5) end else if peripheral.getType(sideNames[sideSelection]) == "sensor" then term.setCursorPos(1, 4) term.write("No sensor card |") drawDividerDown(5) else term.setCursorPos(1, 4) term.write("No sensor found |") drawDividerDown(5) end end term.setCursorPos(1, h) end local function findGraphMatch(currTable, target, matchCount, trackingTable) for k, v in pairs(currTable) do if type(v) == "table" then if trackingTable[v] then return false end trackingTable[v] = true ret, path, count = findGraphMatch(v, target, matchCount, trackingTable) if ret and path then return ret, tostring(k).."-"..path elseif count then matchCount = count end elseif type(v) == "number" then matchCount = matchCount + 1 if matchCount == target then return v, tostring(k) end end end return false, nil, matchCount end local function createGraph(targetNum) local monSide = "" for k, side in ipairs(rs.getSides()) do if peripheral.getType(side) == "monitor" then monSide = side break end end if monSide and targetNum >= 1 and findGraphMatch(sensor.call(graphSide, "getTargetDetails", graphTarget), targetNum, 0, {}) then graphMatch = targetNum local val, name = findGraphMatch(sensor.call(graphSide, "getTargetDetails", graphTarget), targetNum, 0, {}) local updateFunc = function() return (findGraphMatch(sensor.call(graphSide, "getTargetDetails", graphTarget), graphMatch, 0, {})) end graphInst = graph.new(peripheral.wrap(monSide), updateFunc, name) return graphInst end end while true do redraw() local e, p1 = os.pullEvent() if e == "key" then local w, h = term.getSize() if p1 == 203 then --left, selects previous side if sideSelection > 1 then sideSelection = sideSelection - 1 targetSelection = 1 targetOffset = 1 detailOffset = 1 detailLines = nil end elseif p1 == 205 then --right, selects next side if sideSelection < 6 then sideSelection = sideSelection + 1 targetSelection = 1 targetOffset = 1 detailOffset = 1 detailLines = nil end elseif p1 == 200 then --up, selects previous target, adjusting offset if necessary. if targetSelection > 1 then if targetSelection - targetOffset + 1 == 2 and targetOffset > 1 then targetOffset = targetOffset - 1 end targetSelection = targetSelection - 1 detailOffset = 1 detailLines = nil end elseif p1 == 208 then --down, selects next target, adjusting offset if necessary. if targetNameMenuTable and targetSelection < #targetNameMenuTable then if targetSelection - targetOffset + 1 == h - 4 and targetSelection ~= #targetNameMenuTable - 1 then targetOffset = targetOffset + 1 end targetSelection = targetSelection + 1 detailOffset = 1 detailLines = nil end elseif p1 == 201 then --pgup, moves detail if detailOffset > 1 then detailOffset = detailOffset - 1 end elseif p1 == 209 then --pgdown, moves detail local w, h = term.getSize() if detailLines and detailOffset < math.ceil(#detailLines / (h - 3)) then detailOffset = detailOffset + 1 end --and now, since redraw() will eat char events with the change to sensor.call: elseif p1 == 31 then --s if detailLines then local fileHandle = io.open("sensorDetailed-"..sideNames[sideSelection].."-"..targetNameMenuTable[targetSelection], "w") if fileHandle then for k, v in ipairs(detailLines) do fileHandle:write(v.."\n") end fileHandle:close() end end elseif p1 == 16 then --q sleep(0) return elseif p1 == 34 then --g if graph then graphing = not graphing if not graphing then graphSide = nil graphTarget = nil graphUpdate = nil else graphSide = sideNames[sideSelection] graphTarget = targetNameMenuTable[targetSelection] graphInstance = createGraph(1) graphUpdate = os.startTimer(0.5) end end elseif p1 == 49 then --n if graphing then local newGraph = createGraph(graphMatch + 1) if newGraph then graphInstance = newGraph graphUpdate = os.startTimer(0.5) end end elseif p1 == 25 then --p if graphing then local newGraph = createGraph(graphMatch - 1) if newGraph then graphInstance = newGraph graphUpdate = os.startTimer(0.5) end end end elseif e == "timer" then if p1 == graphUpdate then graphInstance:draw() graphUpdate = os.startTimer(0.5) end end end