I'm Valentin, an computer science student from Regensburg, Germany. Currently I'm studying at [OTH Regensburg](https://www.oth-regensburg.de/).
My interests are mainly in IT security and open source software but also practical cryptography and blockchain based technologies. I also like administrating Linux machines and planing network infrastructures.
In my free time I like to play around with binary analysis and exploiting techniques by solving wargames.
* Shell: [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/) with [oh-my-zsh](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh) and [antigen](http://antigen.sharats.me/) in [tmux](https://tmux.github.io/)
Also refer to my [dotfiles](https://github.com/vbrandl/dotfiles)