+++ date = "2017-03-11T11:23:43+01:00" publishdate = "2017-03-11T11:23:43+01:00" title = "About" description = "Information about myself" menu = "main" +++ ## About Me I'm Valentin, a computer science student from Regensburg, Germany. Currently I'm studying at [OTH Regensburg][1]. My interests are mainly in IT security and open source software but also practical cryptography and blockchain based technologies. I also like administrating Linux machines and planing network infrastructures. In my free time I like to play around with binary analysis and exploiting techniques by solving wargames. I'm coding since ~2010. Currently working at [EBSnet][2]. ## Skills * Linux * Java EE and SE * C * Perl 5 * Getting better in Rust and little Python * Bash * MySQL * Oracle SQL ## System/Tools * OS: [Arch Linux][3] * WM: [i3wm][4] * Editor: [Vim][5] * Shell: [Zsh][6] with [oh-my-zsh][7] and [antigen][8] in [tmux][9] Also refer to my [dotfiles][10] ## GitHub Visit [my GitHub profile][11]. ## License If not stated otherwise, every page on this website is released unter the [CC-BY-SA-4.0][12] license. [1]: https://www.oth-regensburg.de/ [2]: http://ebsnet.de/ [3]: https://archlinux.org [4]: https://i3wm.org/ [5]: http://www.vim.org [6]: https://www.zsh.org/ [7]: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh [8]: http://antigen.sharats.me/ [9]: https://tmux.github.io/ [10]: https://github.com/vbrandl/dotfiles [11]: https://github.com/vbrandl [12]: https://github.com/vbrandl/vbrandl.net/blob/master/LICENSE