+++ date = "2017-03-11T11:42:57+01:00" publishdate = "2017-03-11T11:42:57+01:00" title = "Hello World" description = "First post explaining the how and why of this website" tags = ["hugo","nginx","tls","vim"] categories = ["blogging"] draft = false +++ Welcome to my homepage. In this post I'll try to explain why and how this site was build. I created this website to give an overview about my person and the projects I'm working on. Setup = This website is generated by the static website generator [Hugo][1] using the awesome [After Dark theme][2]. I track the source files of the website in a [GitHub repository][3]. The web server is a [nginx server][5] running on my own dedicated server from [Kimsufi][6] and does not log the visitors IP address (I **do** write access logs but I will never log IP addresses). I chose a static site generator over a CMS like WordPress because plain markdown files are easier to manage e.g. using git in contrast to WordPress posts being stored somewhere deep in a database. Also have a look at the amount of security releases in the [WordPress release notes][7]. Hugo generates static HTML files which are served through nginx, so there are no security risks. The web server forces you to use a TLS encrypted connection using HTTP/2, therefore I used [Let's Encrypt][8] to get a free certificate (you might want to check out my awesome [SSL rating][9]). All posts are written using [Vim][4] with some plugins. My Vim configuration can be seen in my [dotfile repository][10]. [1]: https://gohugo.io/ [2]: https://github.com/comfusion/after-dark [3]: https://github.com/vbrandl/vbrandl.net [4]: http://www.vim.org [5]: https://nginx.org/ [6]: https://www.kimsufi.com/ [7]: https://wordpress.org/news/category/releases/ [8]: https://letsencrypt.org/ [9]: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.vbrandl.net [10]: https://github.com/vbrandl/dotfiles/tree/master/editors/vim/