module Main exposing ( Model , Msg(..) , init , main , update , view ) import Browser import Data exposing (Url, hostname, repository, servicename, toUrl) import Html exposing ( Html , a , article , h1 , h2 , input , li , nav , p , section , small , text , ul ) import Html.Attributes exposing (href, placeholder, readonly, style, value) import Html.Events exposing (onInput) import Parse exposing (parseUrl) type Msg = UrlChange String type alias Model = { url : String , parsed : Maybe Url } init : Model init = { url = "" , parsed = Nothing } update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg state = case msg of UrlChange newUrl -> { state | url = newUrl, parsed = parseUrl newUrl } displayMUrl : Maybe Url -> String displayMUrl mUrl = mUrl |> toUrl |> Maybe.withDefault (hostname ++ "////") myStyle : List (Html.Attribute msg) myStyle = [ style "width" "100%" ] myStyle2 : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> List (Html.Attribute msg) myStyle2 = List.append myStyle view : Model -> Html Msg view state = section myStyle [ header , body state , footer ] header : Html msg header = Html.header [] [ h1 myStyle [ text servicename ] ] footer : Html msg footer = Html.footer myStyle [ nav [] [ ul [] [ li [] [ small [] [ text "Created by " , a [ href "" ] [ text "Valentin Brandl" ] , text "." ] ] ] ] , nav [] [ ul [] [ li [] [ small [] [ a [ href repository ] [ text "Repository" ] ] ] , li [] [ small [] [ a [ href "" ] [ text "MIT License" ] ] ] ] ] ] body : Model -> Html Msg body state = article myStyle [ input (myStyle2 [ placeholder "GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket URL", value state.url, onInput UrlChange ]) [] , input (myStyle2 [ readonly True, value (displayMUrl state.parsed) ]) [] , h2 myStyle [ text "Caching" ] , p myStyle [ text "Files are cached in the CDN for about one year" ] , h2 myStyle [ text "Invalidating the Cache" ] , p myStyle [ text "To delete a file from the cache, just request the file via HTTP " , code "DELETE" ] ] code : String -> Html msg code msg = Html.code [] [ text msg ] main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox { init = init , update = update , view = view }