2023-04-03 17:27:02 +02:00

126 lines
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# Abschlussprojekt Device Manager Timon Lorenz (WIP)
The goal of this project is to develop a web application which manages the devices of the Univesity Regensburg. It is currently in devlopment.
## Description (WIP)
- Device List
- Device Detail
- device add
- Device History
## Installation
### Requirements
#### Docker
##### 1. Download and install docker engine
Follow the instructions on the official [docker website](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/)
##### 2. Add docker to your startup
sudo systemctl enable docker --now
##### 3. Add your current user to the docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
> `$USER` stands for the current logged in user
##### 4. Restart your computer
#### Composer
##### Download and install composer
Follow the instructions on the official [composer website](https://getcomposer.org/download/) or install it via apt package repository:
sudo apt-get install composer
Make sure you have these php extensions installed:
- php-curl
- php-xml
### Geting started
##### 1. Clone the repository
git clone https://git.uni-regensburg.de/ase22ws/abschlussprojekt-device-manager-timon-lorenz.git
##### 2. Go in the project directory
cd device-app
##### 3. Install dependencies
Install dependencies [source](https://medium.com/@colorfield/install-an-existing-laravel-project-c6e6bf28d5c6)
composer install
composer dumpautoload -o
If you are facing some issues try to update it first and run `composer install` afterwards again
composer update
Make sure you have the mentioned php extensions installed
##### 4. Setup the Environement
Copy the .env.example file and create .env file
cp .env.example .env
##### 5. Start the project for the first time
This could take a few moments for the first time, later on it only takes a few seconds
vendor/bin/sail up
##### 6. Generate a key
Open a new terminal in the project directory and enter the following command while project is still running:
vendor/bin/sail exec laravel.test php artisan key:generate
##### 7. Setup the database
To migrate the database use following command:
sail exec laravel.test php artisan migrate
If you want to use some random generated sample as well as two users an admin and a test user you have to use the `seed` function
sail exec laravel.test php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
##### 8. View the project
Open your browser and go to `http://localhost` and try it out. If you are finished you can stop the `vendor/bin/sail up` terminal via 'strg' + 'C'.
### General
#### Troubleshooting
If you followed the eight steps correctly the project should work. If you have any trouble installing the project, please let me know or make an issue.
#### Bash Alias
If you want save some time you can create a shortcut to `vendor/bin/sail` and only use `sail`
##### 1. Open bashrc
Go to your home directory and run
nano .bashrc
##### 2. Add shortcut
Add following line:
alias sail='[ -f sail ] && bash sail || bash vendor/bin/sail'
## Usage (WIP)
- User story
## Author (WIP)
Timon Lorenz (lot17014)
## License (WIP)
propably MIT
## Releasedate
latest: 15.04.2023
## About
Laravel is a full feature framework
### security
- coss-side-scripting disabled
- SQL injection attacks
## ChatGPT
see ChatGPT folder
#### Challenges
Convention, due to given database. Could be easier