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title: Arbiter
slug: /actix/arbiter
# Arbiter
`Arbiter`s provide an asynchronous execution context for `Actor`s, `functions` and `futures`. Where an actor contains a `Context` that defines its Actor specific execution state, Arbiters host the environment where an actor runs.
As a result Arbiters perform a number of functions. Most notably, they are able to spawn a new OS thread, run an event loop, spawn tasks asynchronously on that event loop, and act as helpers for asynchronous tasks.
## System and Arbiter
In all our previous code examples the function `System::new` creates an Arbiter for your actors to run inside. When you call `start()` on your actor it is then running inside of the System Arbiter's thread. In many cases, this is all you will need for a program using Actix.
While it only uses one thread, it uses the very efficient event loop pattern which works well for asynchronous events. To handle synchronous, CPU-bound tasks, it's better to avoid blocking the event loop and instead offload the computation to other threads. For this usecase, read the next section and consider using [`SyncArbiter`](./sync-arbiter).
## The event loop
One `Arbiter` is in control of one thread with one event pool. When an Arbiter spawns a task (via `Arbiter::spawn`, `Context<Actor>::run_later`, or similar constructs), the Arbiter queues the task for execution on that task queue. When you think `Arbiter`, you can think "single-threaded event loop".
Actix in general does support concurrency, but normal `Arbiter`s (not `SyncArbiter`s) do not. To use Actix in a concurrent way, you can spin up multiple `Arbiter`s using `Arbiter::new`, `ArbiterBuilder`, or `Arbiter::start`.
When you create a new Arbiter, this creates a new execution context for Actors. The new thread is available to add new Actors to it, but Actors cannot freely move between Arbiters: they are tied to the Arbiter they were spawned in. However, Actors on different Arbiters can still communicate with each other using the normal `Addr`/`Recipient` methods. The method of passing messages is agnostic to whether the Actors are running on the same or different Arbiters.
## Using Arbiter for resolving async events
If you aren't an expert in Rust Futures, Arbiter can be a helpful and simple wrapper to resolving async events in order. Consider we have two actors, A and B, and we want to run an event on B only once a result from A is completed. We can use `Arbiter::spawn` to assist with this task.
use actix::prelude::*;
struct SumActor {}
impl Actor for SumActor {
type Context = Context<Self>;
#[rtype(result = "usize")]
struct Value(usize, usize);
impl Handler<Value> for SumActor {
type Result = usize;
fn handle(&mut self, msg: Value, _ctx: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
msg.0 + msg.1
struct DisplayActor {}
impl Actor for DisplayActor {
type Context = Context<Self>;
#[rtype(result = "()")]
struct Display(usize);
impl Handler<Display> for DisplayActor {
type Result = ();
fn handle(&mut self, msg: Display, _ctx: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
println!("Got {:?}", msg.0);
fn main() {
let system = System::new("single-arbiter-example");
// Define an execution flow using futures
let execution = async {
// `Actor::start` spawns the `Actor` on the *current* `Arbiter`, which
// in this case is the System arbiter
let sum_addr = SumActor {}.start();
let dis_addr = DisplayActor {}.start();
// Start by sending a `Value(6, 7)` to our `SumActor`.
// `Addr::send` responds with a `Request`, which implements `Future`.
// When awaited, it will resolve to a `Result<usize, MailboxError>`.
let sum_result = sum_addr.send(Value(6, 7)).await;
match sum_result {
Ok(res) => {
// `res` is now the `usize` returned from `SumActor` as a response to `Value(6, 7)`
// Once the future is complete, send the successful response (`usize`)
// to the `DisplayActor` wrapped in a `Display`
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Encountered mailbox error: {:?}", e);
// Spawn the future onto the current Arbiter/event loop
// We only want to do one computation in this example, so we
// shut down the `System` which will stop any Arbiters within
// it (including the System Arbiter), which will in turn stop
// any Actor Contexts running within those Arbiters, finally
// shutting down all Actors.