mirror of https://github.com/actix/examples synced 2025-03-15 09:13:06 +01:00
2022-07-12 02:33:54 +01:00

190 lines
5.9 KiB

use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use actix_ws::Message;
use futures_util::{
future::{select, Either},
StreamExt as _,
use tokio::{pin, sync::mpsc, time::interval};
use crate::{ChatServerHandle, ConnId};
/// How often heartbeat pings are sent
const HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
/// How long before lack of client response causes a timeout
const CLIENT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
/// Echo text & binary messages received from the client, respond to ping messages, and monitor
/// connection health to detect network issues and free up resources.
pub async fn chat_ws(
chat_server: ChatServerHandle,
mut session: actix_ws::Session,
mut msg_stream: actix_ws::MessageStream,
) {
let mut name = None;
let mut last_heartbeat = Instant::now();
let mut interval = interval(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL);
let (conn_tx, mut conn_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
// unwrap: chat server is not dropped before the HTTP server
let conn_id = chat_server.connect(conn_tx).await;
let close_reason = loop {
// most of the futures we process need to be stack-pinned to work with select()
let tick = interval.tick();
let msg_rx = conn_rx.recv();
// TODO: nested select is pretty gross for readability on the match
let messages = select(msg_stream.next(), msg_rx);
match select(messages, tick).await {
// commands & messages received from client
Either::Left((Either::Left((Some(Ok(msg)), _)), _)) => {
log::debug!("msg: {msg:?}");
match msg {
Message::Ping(bytes) => {
last_heartbeat = Instant::now();
// unwrap:
Message::Pong(_) => {
last_heartbeat = Instant::now();
Message::Text(text) => {
process_text_msg(&chat_server, &mut session, &text, conn_id, &mut name)
Message::Binary(_bin) => {
log::warn!("unexpected binary message");
Message::Close(reason) => break reason,
_ => {
break None;
// client WebSocket stream error
Either::Left((Either::Left((Some(Err(err)), _)), _)) => {
log::error!("{}", err);
break None;
// client WebSocket stream ended
Either::Left((Either::Left((None, _)), _)) => break None,
// chat messages received from other room participants
Either::Left((Either::Right((Some(chat_msg), _)), _)) => {
// all connection's message senders were dropped
Either::Left((Either::Right((None, _)), _)) => unreachable!(
"all connection message senders were dropped; chat server may have panicked"
// heartbeat internal tick
Either::Right((_inst, _)) => {
// if no heartbeat ping/pong received recently, close the connection
if Instant::now().duration_since(last_heartbeat) > CLIENT_TIMEOUT {
"client has not sent heartbeat in over {CLIENT_TIMEOUT:?}; disconnecting"
break None;
// send heartbeat ping
let _ = session.ping(b"").await;
// attempt to close connection gracefully
let _ = session.close(close_reason).await;
async fn process_text_msg(
chat_server: &ChatServerHandle,
session: &mut actix_ws::Session,
text: &str,
conn: ConnId,
name: &mut Option<String>,
) {
// strip leading and trailing whitespace (spaces, newlines, etc.)
let msg = text.trim();
// we check for /<cmd> type of messages
if msg.starts_with('/') {
let mut cmd_args = msg.splitn(2, ' ');
// unwrap: we have guaranteed non-zero string length already
match cmd_args.next().unwrap() {
"/list" => {
log::info!("conn {conn}: listing rooms");
let rooms = chat_server.list_rooms().await;
for room in rooms {
"/join" => match cmd_args.next() {
Some(room) => {
log::info!("conn {conn}: joining room {room}");
chat_server.join_room(conn, room).await;
session.text(format!("joined {room}")).await.unwrap();
None => {
session.text("!!! room name is required").await.unwrap();
"/name" => match cmd_args.next() {
Some(new_name) => {
log::info!("conn {conn}: setting name to: {new_name}");
None => {
session.text("!!! name is required").await.unwrap();
_ => {
.text(format!("!!! unknown command: {msg}"))
} else {
// prefix message with our name, if assigned
let msg = match name {
Some(ref name) => format!("{name}: {msg}"),
None => msg.to_owned(),
chat_server.send_message(conn, msg).await