Valentin Brandl 7760fba524
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Update about page
2021-01-31 16:21:31 +01:00

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date = "2021-01-31"
publishdate = "2017-03-11T11:23:43+01:00"
title = "About"
description = "Information about myself"
menu = "main"
## About Me
I'm Valentin, a computer science student from Regensburg, Germany. I received
my bachelor's degree after graduating from [OTH Regensburg][OTHR] in 2018, started
my masters degree at [Ruhr Universität Bochum][RUB] and am now back again at OTH
Regensburg to finsih my masters degree.
My interests are mainly in IT security and open source software but also
practical cryptography and blockchain based technologies. I also like
administrating Linux machines and planing network infrastructures. In my free
time I like to play around with binary analysis and exploiting techniques by
solving CTFs and wargames.
I'm coding since ~2010.
Currently working at [EBSnet][2].
## Skills
* Linux
* Rust
* Java EE and SE
* C
* Perl 5
* Bash
* Oracle SQL
* A bit of Python
## Technological Interests
* Functional programming
* Programming language theory
## System/Tools
* OS: [Arch Linux][3] / [NixOS][28]
* WM: [i3wm][4]
* Editor: [Vim][5]
* Shell: [Zsh][6] with [oh-my-zsh][7] and [antigen][8] in [tmux][9]
Also refer to my [`home-manager` config][29] (my classic [dotfiles can be found
## GitHub
Visit [my GitHub profile][11].
## Services
On [mirror.oldsql.cc][17] I'm hosting various mirrors:
* [Arch Linux][18] ([Pool stats][19])
* [Manjaro Linux][27]
* [Tor Project][20] ([Downloads][21])
* [Tails][22]
* [PoC||GTFO ezine][23] (Generated using [this mirror creation tool][24])
The [website][15] and [mirrors][25] are also available via Tor
onion services.
## Other Interests
* Photography
* Writing (getting into it)
## License
If not stated otherwise, every page on this website is released unter the
[CC-BY-SA-4.0][12] license.
[OTHR]: https://www.oth-regensburg.de/
[2]: http://ebsnet.de/
[3]: https://archlinux.org
[4]: https://i3wm.org/
[5]: http://www.vim.org
[6]: https://www.zsh.org/
[7]: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
[8]: http://antigen.sharats.me/
[9]: https://tmux.github.io/
[10]: https://github.com/vbrandl/dotfiles
[11]: https://github.com/vbrandl
[12]: https://github.com/vbrandl/vbrandl.net/blob/master/LICENSE
[15]: http://womux7pjybmp6i5q.onion/
[17]: https://mirror.oldsql.cc/
[18]: https://mirror.oldsql.cc/archlinux/
[19]: https://archlinux.org/mirrors/oldsql.cc/
[20]: https://mirror.oldsql.cc/tor/
[21]: https://mirror.oldsql.cc/tor/dist/
[22]: https://mirror.oldsql.cc/tails/
[23]: https://mirror.oldsql.cc/pocorgtfo/
[24]: https://github.com/vbrandl/pocorgtfo-mirror/
[25]: http://oldsqlid5444gjnhxeio2esjnatksjrfcyhec2dbqa3ur3hazlsj4xqd.onion/
[RUB]: https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/
[27]: https://mirror.oldsql.cc/manjaro/
[28]: https://nixos.org/
[29]: https://github.com/vbrandl/nix-config